Chapter 4: To Faraway we go

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The morning started off like normal. Sunny awoke to his alarm, got dressed, took care of himself in the bathroom, and went to the kitchen. His mother left early. Typically she left earlier if she had an important meeting. On the table was a plate of bacon and eggs, but Sunny wasn't hungry. He put the plate in the fridge for later if he did by chance get hungry.

He had about ten minutes before he had to leave to school. He was anxious about tonight, butterflies welling up in his stomach. It was a sort of happy anxiety, if that was a thing. He sat on the couch, next to Mewo jr. who curled up on a pillow. She looked up at him and mewed loudly, causing Sunny to chuckle as he scratched behind her ears. But Mewo jr. hissed once he started, and recoiled back onto her pillow in fear. He was confused. What was wrong? He looked at his hands, turning them over to see that his nails had gotten longer, and tapered to a sharp point. The tips of his fingers were also black. He hurt Mewo jr. Without realizing and felt awful about it. He went to the bathroom, already seeing the beast in the corner of his eye.

"What, you don't like your new claws either? I heard humans find long nails fashionable. Usually women.. but whatever."

Sunny ignored the beast, reaching into the medicine cabinet for nail clippers. He got to work, attempting to clip one of the dark nails, but it wouldn't budge. He looked under his nails and realized how thick the nail was. There was no way he'd be able to cut them, so he grabbed one of his mother's nail files. Once he tried to file the tip, all that happened was his nails left indents in the nail file. His eye opened wider, and he could already feel anger rising again. He put everything he took out away and slammed the medicine cabinets door.

The glass on it shattered, and the door dangled on a single hinge.

Sunny gasped, covering his mouth. He looked into the mirror beside it to see himself. He still had these strange claw-like nails. But he noticed something else. He inched forewords and saw that his eye was no longer pitch black.

It was a deep, wine red.

Sunny pulled his hair, checking the clock. Three minutes. He rushed to his mother's room once more, looking for a box with winter accessories. Pulling out a pair oversized grey gloves, he pulled them over his fingers and let out another sigh. His excuse would be that his hands were cold. At least until all of this madness stopped. But his eyes...

What was he going to do about that?

He grabbed his mother's sunglasses, putting them on and looked into her vanity mirror. He looked foolish, but he wanted to get through the day. So he gently approached Mewo jr. who allowed him to pet her. This time, he only used his palm to pet her head.

"Sorry..." Sunny checked of she had any cuts, but he must have just scraped her a little.

Pulling his bag over his shoulder, he realized how much lighter it felt. Was he missing anything? He unzipped his bag to check. Nope. Everything was there. He then thought about the bathroom medicine cabinet. He must have gotten stronger, since he wouldn't have ever been able to do something like that before.

"I hate you."

I know~

Sunny walked out the door, locking it, carefully. He then started to make his way to school. Today would be a day like any other, he thought. Nothing will go wrong.


The door of Sunny's apartment door slammed open, whimpering from a tall shadow emitted across the room. The shadow, which was a feline-like creature, arched its back as it entered the room. It continued to cry, rubbing its eyes. The figure slowly became smaller, and smaller, as it continued to cry. Until it was left on the floor, crying on the cold floor. Sunny, was left crying on the floor. He choked out sobs as his frail body shook. He was left on the floor, naked and alone, left to cry. Not even the beasts voice could be heard.

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