Chapter 20: Acceptance

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A few days had passed since Sunny arrived in Faraway, and things began to look up. All five of them helped with cleaning the town the best way they could, but also took the time to reminisce.

The last thing Sunny wanted to do before he left was to say goodbye to Mari once again. But he wanted to go own his own. In the graveyard, he sat by his sister's grave, placing a few flowers beside the headstone. He smiled bitterly, looking at the sky.

"Things have been crazy.."

"We really miss you. And I'm sorry.. for holding onto this for so long. But I'm finding some peace.."



Sunny began to weep, rubbing his eyes and covering his face as he did so. He wish Mari could be there to hug him to make him feel better. But he knew that even four years later that would never happen again. But he heard the grass crunching. He didn't bother to look up. He assumed it was another grieving person. But something lightly bumped against his arms. It was soft. Sunny uncovered his eyes to see Scarlet with a poppy in their mouth. They walked around Sunny and gently placed the flower next to the others.

"I wanted to see her. What was she like?"

"She... was so kind and smart. She was talented but pushed herself too hard due to her perfectionism... so many people crushed on her, but she only had eyes for Hero. And she loved the rest of us dearly, aways making sure we were happy. She was honestly a better mother than my mother had been most of her life... I remember before the recital she asked if I think she'd look good with purple hair. I nodded and she planned on getting it done (in secret) after the performance. But that time never came."

"Im... sorry.."

Sunny sighed. "It's okay now.. I cant linger on this for the rest of my life."

"I feel bad for how I treated you before, Sunny.."

"It's okay. I think it opened my eyes a bit... also literally but.." Sunny chuckled. "I think this is a step closer to getting better.. it takes time.."

Scarlet nodded, curling up on Sunny's lap. He began to pet them, feeling a breeze through his hair. He closed his eyes as the fading sunlight kissed his skin. Tomorrow he would go back home. The visit was cut a but short due to the circumstances, that he still blamed himself for, but was told it would be okay... he hoped they were right.

But for the first time, he realized that people loved him for whatever reason he didn't know. He would have to live the rest of his life as a monster, and live with the crimes of the past, but he was beginning to accept his future. He wanted to live. Not just for his friends. But for Mari.

Mari would have been proud of him.

~the end~

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