Chapter 11: Healing

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Basil ran as fast as his legs could take him, his flower clip falling out of his hair. He didn't bother to look back or get it. Sunny was in danger. He skidded on the concrete as he watched the cars pass by in front of the park. He couldn't wait for the light to turn green, so he stepped back, and with a small inhale, he leapt into the air, above the cars. He landed on the other side of the sidewalk and continued running. But he was too late. He heard a crash in front of the house, and a black beast pushed its body into the wall, watching it crumble.

Sunny... no. That isn't Sunny anymore... but I know he's still in there..

The beast slammed a paw on the ground, roaring as the concrete broke open, heading toward Basil. He jumped over the crack and rushed to the scene.

"GUYS! Get out of here it's not safe!!" Basil said as he helped Kel, Hero and his family get out from under the rubble.

"What about Sally?!" Kel and Hero's mother sobbed. She could hear Sally crying wildly from her room.

"I can get her. Its fine." Kel started to walk into the house, despite the roof slowly beginning to collapse.

"Kel no!! Stop!!" Hero reached his hand out, about to run when the roof finally caved in.

Basil watched in terror, before being slapped by the beasts large tail, flying into the road. He lifted his head up, blood dripping from a wound on his forehead. He gritted his teeth. He didn't want to do this, but he had no choice; he had to fight Sunny. Again.

Hero screamed as he tried to trudge through the rubble in search of his younger brother and sister. His parents were crying but tried to pull their son back.

"We cant lose you too! Hero please lets just get out of here!" His father got a grip of Hero's arm, but he resisted, breaking free and dashing under the rubble to look for his siblings.

Basil growled as he transformed into the same beast from before, but his eyes glowed bright with fury.

"Leave him alone!" Two voices spoke at once. His own voice, and the beasts.

The other monster started to laugh, but only one voice could be heard. "Really? You think I'm just going to give up? Im the predator, and you're the prey. So unless you don't want to be the first one eaten, I suggest you g-"

Basil kicked the beast in the face, its nose bleeding as it growled. Basil stood on his hind legs, towering over the other beast, stepping back a little. He had some confidence in that moment, but as the other beast stood on its legs, he realized how much larger it was compared to him. His eyes widened as he dodged the beast's claw swiping at him. He raised thick vines from the concrete, wrapping them around the beasts body. It fell onto the ground, shouting as the vines covered its body, restraining its arms and legs. Basil stopped and looked at Hero and Kel's parents. They were crying, and neither of the brothers were in sight. He knew that he only had a specific amount of time before the beast broke from the vines, so he took the opportunity to gently remove rubble from the fallen house. He then saw Hero, who had been running around. He panted, looking at him.

"Basil what are you doing!?" Hero shouted

"Just move back. Im going to find Kel and Sally." Hero nodded after he spoke, moving away from where Basil was working. He continued to lift rocks and bricks until he heard Sally's crying. His eyes lit up as he removed another layer of rocks and saw Sally, laying on the floor, covered in a blanket, with an arm wrapped around her. Basil quickly jumped down and returned to his self, realizing that... the arm was Kel's. He picked up Sally, rocking her gently as he used another hand to lift the rocks that covered Kel. He had a hopeful expression on his face, but his expression disappeared. His eyes darkened as he looked at Kel. Kel's eyes were partially closed. He had scrapes across his face, and a pool of blood by his hair. Basil quickly, but gently put Sally down as he tried to help Kel up, but he was limp. His body was cold. Basil stared at Kel, realizing the severity of his injuries. His skull had been crushed under the weight of the rubble.

"Kel? Hey, Kel its me. I-Its gonna be okay." Basil whispered. No response. He grabbed for one of Kel's hands, squeezing it as tears rolled down his face. Another hand reached for his neck, and he searched for a pulse.

But his heart wasn't beating.

Basil sobbed letting go of his friend's arm and laid him down. He didn't know what to do. Kel was dead. Sally was also injured and crying. And he still had to save Sunny. Tears rolled down his face as he closed his eyes. But a gentle voice spoke to him.

There is a way to save him, Basil. Remember that you can heal yourself, but others too. But the cost is that they too will be tainted with my soul.. it is your choice. You only have so much time before his body begins to lose its freshness... so hurry.

Basil stared at his hands, shaking, then looking at Kel's body. He heard a few vines snap in the distance. He was running out of time.

"Im sorry.." Basil whispered as he placed both of his hands on Kel's chest, as vines and flowers began to enter is body, crawling up his face and blooming over where he got fractured. The flowers grew over his face, blooming a bright orange, before the petals fell to the ground. Basil continued to sob as he kept his hands on his chest, gripping Kel's shirt slightly.

"Hey, what happened?"

Basil opened his eyes to look at Kel. It was as if he never died. His heart throbbed as he looked at him. Just like what happened with Basil and Sunny, Kel's hair had gotten longer. His eyes were a soft shade of purple, which slowly faded back to brown.

Basil hugged him tightly and sobbed.

"Woah dude chill, im not dead."

"But you were!" Basil choked.

Kel froze. He... died? Why was he still here then? He then saw Sally, breaking away from Basil to comfort her.

"We need to get her to safety. Where's my parents? Where's Hero?"

"Stay where you are. Im going to put your family somewhere safe..."

"Bro what about me? Do you hate me or something?"

"No... I will explain in a second." He returned to his beast form, looking at the beast. More vines had been broken. He panicked as he held Sally on one of his paws. She looked up at him in amusement instead of fear, babbling happily.

"The three of you, climb onto my hand. Trust me."

They listened and crawled onto the same paw Sally was laying on. Hero looked around frantically.

"Where's Kel?"

"He's safe. But he cant go with you right now.."

"Why!!?? What happened to him. Basil!!" Hero yelled at him as Basil brought his family farther in the town, where most people had already gone to hide. They screamed when Basil approached them but he maintained a calm expression. He put down Hero and his family as carefully as he could. This showed the other residents that he was on their side, and they relaxed. Basil could see Polly in the crowd.

'Be careful, Basil.' She mouthed. Basil nodded and turned around. He started to create a wall of vines and leftover rubble to protect the rest of the town, and went off to where the beast was. It was about to break free when Basil put a foot on its back.

"Im going to ask you nicely to give up. There's no point in this behavior."


"He did nothing wrong. He was afraid. Please just leave him alone. I don't want to hurt you or Sunny, but if I have to beat you up to get you to listen, then I will."

Basil fell backwards as the beast broke free from the vines. It attempted to swipe at Basil, and he rolled over to avoid it.

"Guess I have to beat the shit out of you after all." He smirked. His eyes glowed with fury.

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