Chapter 12: Teamwork

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Basil watched as the beast thrashed its claws back and forth, Basil dodging and sliding across the road, bumping into a street light. The street light tipped over, and the glass broke. The street became darker, as it was just starting to become night.

The beast could see in the dark, while Basil couldn't. Its eyes narrowed as it arched its back and howled like a jaguar as it tried to hit Basil. Basil, despite not having nocturnal vision, was agile, and had hood hearing. He dodged again and the other beast growled.

"Stop it you stupid rat! I need to eat!" The beast then looked at the wall Basil had built. "Looks like I'll be having a full course meal."

The beast harshly pushed Basil out of the way, and Basil fell over some trees, hearing the wood crack under his weight. He winced as the broken wood sunk into his back, blood gently dripping from the wounds. He tried to get back on his feet, gripping his claws into the ground. He felt so weak. But.. then he remembered...

"Kel!!! Are you still there??!!"

After a few moments of silence, Kel hollered back. "YEAH!!" Pebbles shook when he spoke.

"You have to stop it. Please... I can't maintain this form much longer.. I've lost too much blood."

Kel climbed up the rubble, sitting at the top to look at Basil. "How!? I don't have weird super powers like you do. I'm just gonna die. Again!"!

Basil sighed softly, looking at Kel with a sad expression. "When you died, I brought you back the same way I brought back myself. But... now you have a fraction of a beast's essence. There was nothing else i could do.."

"So you're telling me I can..."

"Yes. Because you only have part of a beast's essence, you wont be tortured or hear voices as long as you stay positive. I have hope in you. Please... just save Sunny.."

Kel climbed down the rubble and landed on the concrete. He wasn't sure how this worked, but he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

The beast made its way towards the barrier, licking its lips. "Finally... its been way too long since I've had a proper meal.." it ripped apart some vines with claws, looking inside. Half of the town was inside, some beginning to scream and go to the corners of the barrier. The beast looked around for its first victim, it's eyes coming across Hero.

"A young man, fresh out of his childhood. You helped your friend a lot, didn't you? I'm sure you're going to be tender..."

The beast reached a claw in the barrier, Hero trying to get away, but was picked up by the back of his shirt by two claws, brought up to the beasts face. He panted and looked down, his legs dangling. He tried to escape and pushed the claws, but they wouldn't budge. He stared into the beast's eyes in fear, seeing his own reflection in them.

"Sunny... you're in there... right?" He croaked.

"Hmph. That kid is probably long gone by now. So... although it's a shame I have to eat you, since you're sooooo kind and handsome, I don't give a shit. Your brother will be next." The beast raised its claws as it went to put Hero in its maw, but flinched at the sound of someone's voice.

"No I wont!! Put him down" said a large brown wolf, with deep purple eyes and a pink nose. The wolf was well built, and stood on all fours, feet planted into the ground beneath him. Most notably, the wolf had the horns of a ram, and a mane of dark brown fur going down his back.

Hero recognized the voice... Kel? He looked around, hoping to find his brother below him, but looked back at the wolf behind the black beast. Its fur was the same color as Kel's hair. He was looking at his brother the whole time.

Kel barked at the beast as he tried to swipe at it without hurting his brother. He had to admit, he didn't really know what he was doing, and he felt kind of sick as he looked down at people below, but he kept fighting however he could. He bit one of the beasts ears, hearing it yelp as a chunk was ripped off. Instead of swallowing it, Kel spat it out in disgust. He hated the taste of blood. The beast roared at him, quickly going to put Hero in its mouth.

"NO!!!" Kel tackled the beast and watched as it fell on one of the local stores. Hero was falling. Kel dug his claws into the beasts chests as it hissed at him. He then caught Hero in one of his paws. He looked at him, sighing in relief. Hero was horrified, shaking. But Kel put Hero down gently before speaking.

"Bring all the townspeople down two blocks. And run. Run as fast as you ca-" Kel was punched by the beast, falling onto another building. The beast ran to Hero, who had already begun to usher everyone out of the barrier. He sprinted with a little girl in his arms, looking at the people behind him. There thankfully weren't elderly people, so the others managed to follow quickly.

Kel glared down at the beast, his fur raising and his tail tucking under one of his legs.

"Poor puppy... now you're a freak too. Whatchca gonna do now? The blonde one is probably dead by now."

Kel ironically saw Basil in the corner of his eye, but he didn't show a reaction. He was distracting the beast. Basil pounced on it, Kel doing the same, restraining it with vines, as well as Kel laying on top of it. He was the largest of the three, thus weighing the most. The beast gasped for air, growling. Basil sighed, slowly turning back into his human form. He was still weak from the amount of blood he lost, and couldn't fight much longer. He had an idea.

"Kel, stay here and keep it in the restraints. I'm going to get Aubrey and Hero."

"Why?! This thing will eat them!!"

"Not unless you continue holding it down. I'll be back in a few minutes.." Basil then ran down the other side of the street, leaving Kel to watch the beast. It shook its body in an effort to get Kel off if it, but nothing worked.

"Sunny.... I hope you're okay.."

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