Chapter 3: Punishment

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The day had ended like any other. Sunny returned home, put his bag down, and went to see who wanted to call him this time. He checked the home phone's caller IDs and saw that of course, Kel had called him a few minutes ago. So he decided to call him back.

Riiiing. Riiiing. Riiiing.

Kel finally picked up, nearly shouting in the phone.

"Hi Sunny!! How are you?? Did ya hear what my mom said we can do??"

"Yea." Sunny gently smiled.

"Im so excited I haven't seen you in forever!"

"It's only been two months... Kel."

"Two months too many. Anyway, whats up with you?"

Sunny grew silent. He didn't know what to talk about. He couldn't just simply say:

Hey I've got a monster following me!

But he thought for a moment. He saw Mewo jr. playing with a straw in the corner of the living room.

"Not much. Mewo jr. has been becoming more obedient... I guess. I wish you could see her."

"She sounds adorable! You said she looks just like the old Mewo?"

"Well... yea. But she has a white spot on her stomach.."

"Ooohh that sounds cool. Wanna know what happened today?"


So Kel rambled about the usual. Basketball and how his team was doing, dealing with Sally being a pain in his ass, hanging out with Basil, Aubrey and the hooligans from time to time. Sunny just enjoyed listening to him talk. It made him happy that his friends were happy. It made him more excited to see them tomorrow...

How can you call them friends? They abandoned you. For four years

Sunny froze. The beast had returned.

They never abandoned me. They aren't like that. He thought

Then why didn't you answer the door sooner?

Because I was scared!!

So you admit to being a coward?

I'm not a coward!!!

You killed her. Precious Mari. You took her from them. And you chose to hide. You. Are. A. Coward.

"IM NOT A COWARD...!" Sunny roared, the room shaking violently.

He forgot he was on the phone with Kel, and he heard him stop talking.

"Sunny, what's wrong? I never hear you yell."

"I-Im fine just uh had an argument with my mom."

"But Sunny, she doesn't get home until-"

"I have to go, bye-" Sunny hung up, sighing.

He put the phone back where it was, and looked around the room. Papers had scattered, a potted plant shattered on the carpet, and Mewo jr.'s cat tree was knocked over. Yet the cat was nowhere in sight. Sunny, who had been sitting on the counter, crawled off of it, but felt sick as he looked at the floor.

Why was it farther away from him?

Sunny's breathing became shaky. His vision blurred slightly and his body trembled. He looked up and saw he was closer to the ceiling than before. He grew again. This wasn't puberty like he hoped. Whatever that beast was, it was doing something to him.

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