Chapter 6: Control

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Before this chapter starts, I just have to share this meme my friend sent me and it immediately reminded me of Sunny in this au I cant-

Okay, back to angst, teenage drama, monsters and

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Okay, back to angst, teenage drama, monsters and.... potentially love? I'm not sure about that yet.

TW FOR THIS CHAPTER: emetophobia and blood!!!

The sun slowly rose beyond the horizon, light seeping through the curtains of Kel's room. The light shone over Sunny's face, and he slowly blinked. Sitting up in bed, he looked over at Kel's bed, which was empty. He knew that Kel was an early bird. He, however, was not. But if the sun said it was time to wake up, he had to listen. His name was Sunny after all. His mother told him she chose his name on a whim. Before he was born, the doctors were unsure of what his sex was. And for a long time, they didn't know, strangely enough. He was so small it was hard to tell through an ultrasound. Only a month before he was born did they find out he was a boy. But throughout the 8 months he was in the womb, his mother went with the name Sunny. It could be a name for a boy, or a girl. And the day he was born was one of the most beautiful she had ever seen, she told him. He was born bright and early in the morning. It was funny. Despite his name being so positive, he couldn't help but feel that it didn't match him at all. Maybe when he was still a child. Innocent, soft spoken... But now he was a mess. For years, he had been a mess.

Sunny stretched his arms, hearing his joints pop as he did so. He heard the beast talking about something, but he couldn't tell what it was about. He only heard a faint voice, that he could barely hear. Even his own breathing was louder than the beasts' voice. Sunny ignored it, crawling off the bed, slipping on his loafers.

Wait... Didn't I wear these when I...

Sunny took one of the shoes off and looked at the inside. The color was different. The inner sole was a dark brown, instead of being black. These were a different pair of shoes. But where did they come from? They also fit him perfectly too, given that he was stuck at a different size now. Originally, he went back to normal. A simple five foot three teen. But he never reverted back to his size. He was at least five foot eight at that point. It was bizarre. This was such an obvious thing to notice. For fucks sake, he was taller than Basil now. He ran a hand through his hair, huffing. He put the shoe back on and stood up. He still felt weird. This had happened multiple times since Wednesday, but this time, he wasn't going to shrink back down. He felt the same nauseous feeling hit him once more as he walked to the door, his legs wobbling. He leaned into the door slightly, covering his mouth. He had to throw up.

Sunny hurried to the bathroom, still covering his mouth, lifting the toilet seat and vomiting into the toilet bowl. His throat burned and his eye watered, and he glued it shut. Once nothing else could come out of his mouth, he gagged and spit into the water. He could taste iron. He didn't want to look at whatever just came out of him, but curiosity piqued him. He opened his eye slightly, to see that whatever he threw up was a mixture of a strange black substance, laced with blood. Just looking at the sight made him want to throw up again, but all he could do was gag as he flushed the toilet and slammed the toilet seat.


The toilet seat broke into at least five pieces, a few pieces of plastic flying out. Sunny stood there, his eye twitching. After ripping off the rest of the seat and throwing it in the trash, he growled. He was sick of this. He stomped over to the mirror, expecting the beast to be there to taunt him, but all he saw was himself. He stared at his reflection intently, squinting a little. He looked slightly older. Not by much, but he actually looked like a sixteen year old. He curiously checked his teeth. Instead of just his canines being sharp, his other teeth had become sharper too. And knowing that, he groaned. He'd have to check the sheets for blood again and find his teeth. It was disgusting. And he skipped brushing his teeth, he was tired of tasting blood in his mouth.

When Sunny got back to the bedroom, Kel was on his bed, listening to his mp3 player, humming along to a song that Sunny didn't recognize. Kel looked at him and waved, but slowly raised his hand at the sight of him. He pursed his lips, unsure of what to say. Sunny just sighed and started to search for the teeth. It was so gross... And alas, there was a blood stain, under his pillow. It was larger than last time. I mean, more of his teeth fell out this time. Kel watched in disgust and confusion, taking his headphones off.

"Sunny... what happened?"

"This fucking thing keeps doing weird shit to m-" Sunny stopped.

His voice was deeper. It was as if he was going through puberty, in just the span of a day. His voice wasn't husky, but it seemed a little more harsh. He glanced at Kel, who just stared at him with a puzzled expression.

"Uhhh... welcome to manhood? Eheheh...." Kel laughed nervously. He wasn't used to Sunny talking so loudly, or cursing so much.

Sunny threw away the teeth in Kel's garbage can and didn't care to change the sheet. He flopped over on the bed on his stomach, face buried in his pillow. He let out a long groan, gripping the bed sheets. His tail was tapping angrily back and forth. He was sick of this. He just wanted to be with his friends, without any of this happening to him. He could already feel his throat tighten as tears welled in his eye, but a warm hand gently touched his back.

"It's going to be okay dude... I'm sure there's a way to fix it.."

"How do you know?" Sunny mumbled into the pillow.

"Well, I mean.. There's a solution for every problem. Right?" Kel cocked his head to the side.

Sunny sat up, wiping his face. His tail slowed down and he let out a sigh. He looked at Kel. He wasn't just scared at this point. He had a mortified expression on his face.

"This thing is trying to take over my body. And it's succeeding. How can there be a solution? I'm letting it win. And I don't know why I was chosen.... Why did I have to deal with this when things were starting to go my way??" Sunny sobbed, holding his face in his hands.

Kel kept his hand on Sunny's back, his face distorting into a frown. There was then a gentle knock on the door. Kel looked at the door, as did Sunny. Since Sunny destroyed Kel's last hoodie, he handed him another one he got from his father. It was much baggier and would hide his features better. It was a soft shade of green. It reminded Sunny of Basil. He pulled the hoodie over his body. It was comfortable, and baggy on him. It was as if he was normal again. But he knew that he truly wasn't. Pulling the hood over his head, Kel nodded and opened the door.

There stood Kel's father who smiled softly.

"Hey, good morning boys. How did you guys sleep?" He questioned.

"I slept really well, actually. What about you, Sunny?"

Sunny perked up at the sound of his name. He fumbled with his sleeves.

"I slept fine.. I guess." Sunny whispered. They could barely hear him.

"Huh? Speak up a bit, son." Kel's father chuckled.

"I slept fine." Sunny spoke slightly louder. Not by much, but enough to be heard. He wanted to be as quiet as possible, but the change in his voice was still apparent.

"Hey, looks like you're finally becoming a man. Good for you." Kel's father beamed.
"Well, come downstairs if you want breakfast. Your mother will get angry if it gets cold."

The two boys nodded. Sunny had an awkward frown on his lips, feeling sweat drip down the side of his cheek. Once Kel's father left, he turned to look at his friend.

"Just say you hit puberty. Okay?"

"Nobody just hits puberty like this in the span of two months, Kel..."

"Well, you did. Just say you were a late bloomer."

Sunny could tell Kel was really trying to help him out, so he sighed as he got up on his feet. He nearly fell over, still not used to his legs being so long. Kel grabbed one of his hands before he could fall, and saw the other boy blush softly. He stood up straight, inhaling. Kel gave him a look. As if to ask if he was okay. Sunny simply nodded, understanding his cues. They then walked out of Kel's bedroom and headed to the kitchen. Once they entered, Kel's mother was standing in front of the stove, with a familiar figure beside her.

"Hero!!" Kel squealed as he ran to embrace his older brother. Hero chuckled, hugging him back.

"Why are you here? Dont you have college stuff?"

"Yes, but I'm on break for Thanksgiving, remember? I also wanted to check to see how Sunny was doing." Hero smiled.

Hero turned to look at Sunny, who looked like he wanted to gasp. He walked over, pulling him into a hug. Sunny also liked Hero's hugs... But he knew that he would bring up the elephant in the room.

"You really changed a lot in the past two months. You look great." Hero's smile widened. He was so charming.

Sunny's cheeks turned a soft shade of pink at the tone of his voice. He quietly said 'thank you', but still didn't want to talk any louder than that unless he was around Kel. Hero ushered the boys to the dining room, where he prepared pancakes, made from scratch. It seemed he was getting back into cooking again. Kel grinned and quickly sat down as his parents and Hero walked into the room to also take their seats. Kel and Hero's father held Sally, and put her in her high chair. She babbled as he did so, slapping her hands against the tray in front of her. Thankfully no food was put on it yet. Sunny looked at his plate, and saw two pancakes. He had less than everyone else.

"I know you don't normally eat a lot, so I didn't want to give you too many. But you're free to help yourself if you're still hungry." Hero said to Sunny.

Sunny nodded, appreciating the thought. He was still scared to eat. Yet his stomach growled aggressively. He hoped nobody heard it.

Just eat you stupid boy. I'm hungry too. Try to eat more meat though. I'm tired of sweets.

I'm not eating, if that means I'm feeding you too.

Well, when you die, that'll make it easier to take your body. You'll be too weak by that point so I wouldn't be surprised if I hadn't done it before then.

You disgust me.

Aww, thanks!

Sunny stared at his plate. The beast wanted meat. It didn't like any other foods. And Sunny knew that if he didn't eat, he became more vulnerable. The beast was practically a parasite. So he started to cut the pancake, slowly, his hands shaking. He still covered his fingers as he did so, which made it even more difficult. He managed to take a bite, and swallowed. He hadn't had food in at least two days. He could already feel an impulse deep inside him as soon as he tasted the soft pancake. He gripped onto the fork and knife tightly. The others sat quietly, eating their pancakes without a problem. Sunny looked back at his plate. Only taking one bite, and he could feel his hunger rising. He felt his body shaking, licking his lips. It wasn't the pancakes he was hungry for. He stared at Sally, who was still happily babbling and was eating cheerios with her hands.


What a good choice! I've heard human infants have a lot of fat. They're fun to scare, too.

I'm.. so.. hungry...

Well go ahead. Nobody's stopping you except yourself. Take a bite, Sunshine.

N-No I cant do it...

Aw, you feel bad? That poor little baby.. It's just another waste of space. Eradicating it wouldn't change much. The family would suffer, but you and I would have the best feast of our lives. Do it. Sunny. DO IT.

Sunny trembled and looked down at his legs, putting his hands on top of his thighs. He dug his claws into his skin, drawing blood. He could feel saliva slowly drip from his lips, but he didn't bother to wipe his mouth. He could see the faint glow of his eye on the polished wooden table. He immediately stood up and stormed off to the bathroom. Everyone there, aside from Sally, looked at him in confusion. But Kel knew it had to be the beast again. He wasn't sure what to do. He looked at Hero, who began to speak.

"Is Sunny having problems with eating again?" Hero frowned.

"I... Guess so..." Kel mumbled under his breath.

Sunny closed the door behind him, panting as he stared at the tile. He slid down onto the floor and hugged his legs, beginning to sob. Blood trickled down his legs from where he dug his claws at. His body shook as he cried, holding his legs closer to his body.

"What the hell? I'M HUNGRY! I need to eat! And so do you. If you want to survive any longer."

"I'm not going to eat my friend's sister. I'm not going to eat ANYONE." Sunny raised his head slightly to stare at the beast, who had a furious look on its face.

Sunny slowly stood up, still sobbing. He started to laugh a little. And that laugh turned into a chuckle. He stared at the beast, laughing as tears fell down his cheeks. He slowly stepped foreword. The beast crossed its arms. Its head was poking out from the mirror. Before it could say another snarky remark, the beast froze, its eyes widening. Crimson blood trickled down its face. Sunny stood with his feet planted in the ground, a wild look in his eyes. His right claw had blood running off of it.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" The beast roared, moving its body closer to Sunny.

The beast swiped at Sunny, who barely missed him. Sunny flinched as he felt the claws of the beast swipe across his pale skin, nearly tumbling over from shock. But the beast wasn't done. It went to swipe at him again, this time at his face, but Sunny slid under its paws and kicked its arm, causing its arm to fly back into the beast's face. Sunny's reflexes had gotten better. Huh... But they weren't good enough. The beast slammed both of its paws on top of Sunny's body, trapping him in its enormous claws.

"I don't want to play around, kid. You either stick to the program and accept your fate or I'm gonna have to kill you myself. And that doesn't sound fun, does it?"

Sunny stared at the beast with the same intense look in his eye. But then he closed it, breathing in and out. Time seemed to stop for a while. Sunny focused on his breathing, and the situation he was in. He had an idea, but he needed to get out of the beasts clutch first. So he moved his legs up and pushed the claws off of his body with his arms, sliding away to the corner of the room, panting. The beast started to cackle, clapping its paws together.

"You know, that just shows how cowardly you are. Going farther away from me so I cant reach you? I'm not stupid. I cant step out. You know that."

"That's not why I did that.." Sunny said under his breath, beginning to take off his shoes. The beast gave him a confused look.

Sunny put his shoes gently in the corner of the bathroom, and took his shirt and hoodie off. He didn't bother with his pants. He clenched his hands into fists, inhaling and exhaling as he closed his eyes. His eyebrows furrowed. He needed to focus. The room was cold, and air flew by his open wounds. But he managed to ignore the intense pain he felt. He then got down on his knees, pressing his head against the floor. The beast started to laugh at him, but the laughing faded as he watched Sunny.

Sunny was transforming. With his own will.

Knocking could be heard behind the door. He knew it had to be Kel or Hero, but the door was locked tight. Sunny opened his eyes, crouching in the room. It was tight. He growled at the beast. He hadn't realized until then that he was much bigger than the beast. Much bigger than he had transformed before. He bit into the beasts torso and heard it yelp as it recoiled back into the mirror.


"Nobody said I couldn't..."

Sunny's voice was deepened again, and was low and husky. But while he spoke, another voice could be heard. It was his original voice. How he sounded before everything started. Two voices were speaking at once, yet it was still one person. One beast. The beast roared at Sunny, and he felt the wind brush against his fur as the beast disappeared from the mirror. Except, Sunny saw another beast instead. None other than himself. But he wasn't afraid. He crawled foreword and placed a paw gently on the mirror. He could hear Hero behind the door, but blocked out his words, staring intently at himself. He saw himself beginning to shrink slowly, his fur shedding and his other eyes disappearing. He looked back at himself. He was almost just how he was before he fought the beast, except the claw marks on his torso had strangely scarred over. He felt the skin with his fingers, which he realized were normal again. He traced a finger across his ribcage, where the scars were placed. He looked back at his face. His eye still had a warm, red glow. He still had horns, but they had gotten smaller. His hair had also gotten a little longer. Yet he still retained his taller stature. He looked away and walked to where he put his clothes, putting them back on. The hoodie went past his thighs, thankfully, and he knew he would find a new pair of pants back in the bedroom.

But he finally heard Hero's words.

"Sunny! You've been in there for a long time. Are you okay? Did I upset you?"

Hero stammered and stumbled over his words. Kel stood next to him, looking down. He knew that something happened again.

"Please open the door-" Hero said weakly.

Then, as soon as he spoke, the door slowly opened. Sunny stared at them, his eye bloodshot. He felt his legs beginning to give out, and his vision blurred. He tried to speak, but words wouldn't come out of his mouth. He could hear a ringing in his ears as his friend's voices faded away.

Then everything went black.

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