Entry 1: The Man in White

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21/05/2018 – 02:30 PM

I was in my accounting class at the time, focusing on the Cash Flow exercises we had to do. The stream of music coming from my headphones was interrupted by someone calling me.

"Hey there."

Startled, I looked up to see a stranger standing in front of me. I wasn't able to tell what gender they were; their facial features were sharp and elegant which were framed in long fair white hair. Their eyes were a piercing golden colour and they wore a pure white three-piece suit. This figure had a sort of ghostly, elven beauty to them.

"Nice to meet you." The figure said smiling politely, "My name isn't important, but I have a business proposal to offer." After focusing on the figure's baritone voice, I decided that the person was probably male.

"Uh..." I glanced away from the figure for a moment and... it's gone. The classroom, the tables, my peers, my teacher, the table in front of me, they all disappeared. "Uh, Um... the f...? What's going on?" What was left in its wake was a sea of the night sky; only much more vivid than any night sky I've seen. More than just the sparse glitter of stars, there were spirals of galactic entities. It looked like an artistic interpretation of outer space. "Where the hell is everyone?!"

"Oh, have I alarmed you? I do apologise. Rest assured nothing has happened to you or your friends in your home dimension."

"Uh..." I was speechless, yet a million thoughts were racing through my head, each fighting to be said.

Home dimension? Is this guy some sci-fi fantasy nutcase? Am I dreaming? Wait no, it's not a dream because of the fact that I'm questioning it. If this isn't a dream am I in danger? There's nowhere to run, should I fight? No, this guy is probably too powerful, I mean, he made all this happen. How did he even do that? Is he some kind of deity? Deity...?

A single, terrifying thought won out over all the others and it made my stomach drop. I asked, "Am I... d-dead?"

"Oh no, no, no." The elven man exclaimed slightly flustered. "This isn't the afterlife. This is a pocket dimension that exists parallel to your universe. Your universe is currently frozen in time and your consciousness is here. Your real body is completely intact."

Far more quickly than before, I responded, "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"Oh... Ah... Oh! I can put you back in your dimension for a couple seconds and I'll bring you back, that okay with you?"

"Uh... sure." Can't hurt I gue-

Then as if it was a smash cut in a movie, I was back at my desk. My teacher to the left of me, and a friend to my right. It was only after I started hearing it again that I realised that my music had also stopped when I went to that "pocket dimension." It was Space Oddity by David Bowie, which seemed a bit too coincidental for comfort. "There's something wrong. Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me -?"

Then I was back in front of the white man. 

Nope, I can't hear you ground control. Weirdly, my headphones were still in my ears, but they weren't connected to my iPad. They weren't connected to anything.

As I put my headphones and the pencil I was holding in my right pocket, the man asked, "Do you trust me now?"

Well, not really... but he's far more powerful than me. Maybe I should just go along with it for now? "You... mentioned a proposal of some sorts, could you... elaborate?"

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