Entry 4: Man In The Mirror

22 1 1

09:00 AM

I stared at myself in the mirror, and a man slightly different to myself stared back. The other figure in the mirror had my face, my height, and my posture, but there was something starkly different. He wasn't anywhere near overweight.

We had the following similarities: A round face that contained blue eyes, dark brown hair, and some fuzz under the chin. We were both a hundred and eighty-seven centimetres tall and had a solid build. But this mirrored version of me had hair that was slightly longer than my short hair, acne in different places, and most prominently, he was fit. He had defined muscles and a lot less fat than I did. Last time I checked, I was a hundred and eight kilograms, but this man couldn't be anywhere near that weight. He was at least twenty kilograms lighter, though, without a scale, it was difficult to tell.

This was the new body that Elf gave me when I jumped into this world. "You gain a body that is healthy and strong. Not Captain America strong, but close." That was one of the skills that I chose on the form that the man in white gave me. Isn't the Cap able to keep a helicopter from taking flight by pulling it down? If I'm supposed to be close to that strong... Images of pushing cars around flashed in my mind. I need to test this out. Though maybe not here, since I might break something.

Johanna, Lucas's mother, was kind enough to offer a place to stay for the day. I had just taken a shower to wash the saltwater off of me, though it confused me that a lake – which is normally freshwater – had water that was very similar to seawater. Wait, isn't there a cave in Unova that's said to connect to Sinnoh? That might be why. There's probably a secret cross-continental water trail or something. Clean clothes that appeared to be around my size were laid across the vanity. Apparently, they belonged to Lucas's father, a white shirt, and a pair of jeans. Hang on... something's missing... Oh, right... Jocks... Undies and socks are gonna be a massive problem. I was wearing my only pairs.

"Johanna!" I yelled out the bathroom door with a towel around my waist, "Sorry, but I don't have any spare pairs of underwear, I'm not sure what I should do."

"Uh..." I hear down the hall, a charismatic and soothing voice, "You'll just have to wait until your pair dries, unfortunately. I'm really sorry about that." She was so polite, just like her son. Maybe it's hereditary.

"No, it's okay, you've done so much already. I can wait."

"Well, it'll be another hour before your clothes are done in the dryer."

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem."

Before I closed the bathroom door, I noticed Elaine staring up at me, (luckily not at an uncompromising angle,) holding a hand to her mouth curiously.

"Jach!" she cooed as she raised her arms to reach out to me.

"Hi, Elaine." I picked her up and closed the door behind me. "You were perfect with the "j" sound, but you messed up the "ck." It's a bit like the sound you make when you cough."

"Ckh... Ckh..."

"A bit less air than that."

"Ck... Ck..."



"Hello! You called me?"

I placed her on the bathroom floor. With the towel still around me, I sat on the bathmat cross-legged, careful not to accidentally expose myself, whether or not it was successful, I didn't know.

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