Entry 17: Elaine vs Turtwig

13 1 0

10:00 PM

As I organised with Nurse Joy the use of one of the Pokémon Centre's battlefields and to still be up for post-battle patch-up, Lucas told the rest of our party about the battle. Ash and Dawn were excited for the battle, Ash because it was a battle, and battles are cool, Dawn because she would finally get to see her brother fight someone who she saw as a challenge for her twin. Brock offered to referee, and Misty seemed to come out of obligation.

Brock formally announced the rules. "The battle between Lucas Diamond from Twinleaf Town and Jack Harvey from the Dochaku region will now commence. The battle will be a one on one and no items or substitutions are permitted. Both trainers send out your first Pokémon."

"You can do it, Lucas!" Dawn shouted from the sidelines.

Ash, in turn, yelled, "Good luck to the both of ya!"

"Pi ka chu!"

Elaine jumped off of my shoulder and landed softly on the ground, before running forward a couple of metres. She faced her side towards Lucas and held out an arm in preparation for a Confusion attack.

Lucas tossed his Poké Ball overhanded and shouted, "Go, Turtwig!" Lucas's starter Pokémon summoned itself from the sphere and landed in a wide stance, ready to charge at any moment.

"Alright," Brock exclaimed, "Battle, begin!"

Okay, Lucas's Turtwig knows three moves, Tackle, Withdraw and Absorb. Lucas also knows that Elaine knows Confusion, Growl, and Double Team. With that, and how much I've been talking about it, he knows that Withdraw is useless, meaning he'll only use Tackle or Absorb. Tackle is the stronger move at forty power as opposed to Absorb's twenty, thirty if you include same type attack bonus. Due to Elaine's frailty, if I spam confusion like I normally do, Turtwig can either Absorb to heal the damage or Tackle to deal damage faster, so going for straight damage is not the best option. That leaves either Growl or Double Team. Growl only weakens physical attacks, so if I do that he will just switch to using Absorb which won't do anything. Thus, there's only one option.

"Elaine," I shouted, "use Double Team!" I have to rely on the luck of the draw and hope that Turtwig misses his attacks.

Lucas shouted "Turtwig, Tackle!"

Elaine dropped her raised arm and then raised both of them to the side. As her corporeal form blurred, Turtwig charged headfirst towards Elaine. Elaine's second form had fully materialised when Turtwig rammed his head towards the form on my left, making an impact with Elaine. Her two formed recoiled simultaneously, they fell back onto the floor and then quickly pushed themselves right back up.

Okay, Turtwig is still able to hit relatively easily, but if I stack Double Teams instead of attacking, I may end up getting hit again and then be put into a massive disadvantage, I have to hope that what Elaine already have will allow her to dodge a few attacks.

"Tackle again!" Lucas yelled.


Both of Elaine's transparent forms raised their right hands towards the approaching Turtwig. Her arm began to vibrate, far more intensely then it had before, it was as if her arm had also used Double Team from the speed it was shaking. Then in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, a thin hot pink laser shot out from in between Elaine's two forms and right into Turtwig's forehead, the beam was gone as soon as it arrived. That wasn't a new move, was it? No, that was still Confusion. Was that a Critical Hit then? Turtwig tripped over his own feet when the Confusion hit him, yet the trip didn't send him to the ground, instead, he continued to charge at Elaine, making contact again, this time in between her two forms and right into her head, temporarily visualising her singular solid form. As Turtwig passed her, Elaine was able to steady herself before she fell.

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