Entry 2: Lake of Emotion

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21/06/2007 – 07:30 AM

The next thing I knew, I could feel the whistle of air rushing past my ears. Then I realised I wasn't standing on anything, even in that "pocket dimension" it felt like I was standing on some invisible yet solid floor. I then noticed the tug of gravity, pulling me... forward?

Oh... shit. I was falling.

Below me, I saw a large body of water, surrounded by dense greenery. The lake was approaching me, quickly. That's when the adrenaline kicked in. My stomach constricted. For what felt like hours, I couldn't think. But after a benevolent moment of clarity, I shifted my weight to put my feet in the water first. Bellyflopping right onto strong surface tension was something I wanted to avoid if I could. I managed to somehow twist myself upright. I was maybe twenty metres up? Then fifteen – ten – two – impact.

I became submerged in cold liquid. I didn't notice pain, so I assumed I was unharmed. I swam to the surface and slowly made my way to shore. The bulky uniform I was wearing weighed me down, yet I managed to slowly freestyle to shallow waters where I walked the sandy ground to shore.

Why didn't that bastard tell me that would happen? I thought, couldn't he have dropped me on dry land, not thirty metres in the sky? Now I'm all wet and cold and – then it hit me. My headphones and USB were in my pockets. I scrambled to get into my pockets and shake the water off my electronic equipment. My wallet seemed to protect my USB, but my headphones were a different story, I had no way to see if they still worked as water dripped from out of the metal grating in the buds. I sighed, great.

I looked around. To my left was a large patch of knee-high grass and to my right was a pathway through some trees about fifty metres away. In front of me, the sun peeked over the high horizon of wood and leaves.

By one of those nearby trees was a bag. The man in white mentioned my items would be nearby. What was his name again? Oh right, he said it didn't matter. Well stuff you, I'm calling you Elf. The form that I filled out earlier said that I could purchase some items, I guessed that the bag may hold them since it was so close to my drop-in point. When I reached the bag, I examined its contents.

The bag itself had a similar design to my school backpack, it had two main pockets, a small front pocket, and a slot on each side to put a drink bottle or something similar. The backpack was navy-blue just like my school bag as well. I opened the back main pocket, it had a separate inside pocket to put something like a laptop or tablet, it's where I kept my iPad in my school bag. Inside this pocket was – a wheel? Oh, it must be the collapsible bicycle.

I took out the bike and attempted to assemble it. It was actually very user-friendly; it took less than a minute to change the contraption into a fully functional red bicycle. In the main back pocket was a red electronic device that had a clamshell design, it reminded me of my old DSi XL. I opened the device and it looked almost exactly like that DS.

I pressed the power button and the dual screens lit up. The top screen said.

"Pokédex TIME: 07:33"

and the bottom screen had a picture of a male figure (that I guessed was supposed to be me) next to the following information:

IDNo: 11037
NAME: Jack Harvey
DOB: 03/07/1989
POKéDEX: 720

Oh, the Pokédex is also my trainer card, that makes sense. But... it says 2007. Is that today's date? Why is it 2007? Did the western release of Pokémon Diamond & Pearl happen then? And why is my date of birth ten years earlier? I guess my Steins;Gate comment was more applicable then I thought. Does it count as time travel if I've gone to a parallel universe?

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