Entry 16: The Extent of My Knowledge

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01:00 PM

For their lunch break, some of the students asked the three of us to battle them. These battles were wagered for a hundred and twenty Pokédollars each, which I actually had this time, even if it was half of what I had. I was asked specifically by two school kids if I could battle with them with the house rule that you were allowed to use one item on your Pokémon. I accepted the conditions, as I still had a couple of potions that went unused.

Christine's Bidoof and Harrison's Starly were no trouble, it was easy to take them. They both used X-Items the first opportunity they had in battle, which raised their Pokémon's stats, however that meant a free opportunity for Elaine to blast them with Confusion. Christine's X-Defend had no effect since I was using Special Attacks the entire time, and while Harrison's X-Attack made his Starly more dangerous than I would have liked, a mid-battle potion did the trick.

"While using X-Items is a viable strategy," I explained, "you have to consider if using it is even worth it in the first place. Think to yourself, can my Pokémon take an attack from the opponent. While yes, they were both able to survive a Confusion, it was still a huge hit and it left them in a vulnerable state. I guess overall, you should consider your opponent's strengths and weaknesses before you use X-Items."

Lucas battled a couple kids and their Abra's and modestly destroyed them with his Turtwig. Misty, being a Gym Leader and battling kids who were still learning the ropes, also had some easy victories as her Staryu wet the kids' pants. No seriously, Staryu shot a Water Gun that ended up hitting the kid's Bidoof and their pants. Harrison had even given us each a spare potion as thanks for teaching him and his peers so much about battling. We all left the school grounds with a bit more pocket change and a bit of an inflated ego. Except for Lucas who was adamant he fluked his battles.

02:30 PM

There was nothing else too interesting that we found in the city, other than a bunch of people going crazy over the release of a new smartwatch dubbed the Pokétch, there were lines into almost every electronics store and apparently stock was running out fast.

We came back to the Pokémon Centre to see Brock being dragged along the floor by his Croagunk. Probably because he tried to flirt with Nurse Joy again. Ash and Dawn were having a break from their training, so I took this opportunity to surf the web on one of the public PC's.

"What are you doing Jack?" Lucas asked.

"Oh, I was just wondering what the heck was up with the Pokétch." While I knew all about its capabilities from the games, I was more interested to find out if it was The Pokémon Company had anything to do with it.

"Dawn's been excited to get one since she saw an ad on TV about it."

"Yeah?" I chuckled, "does she realise how expensive it is?"

"She doesn't care."

"That sounds about right."

"I was thinking about looking up a few things myself actually," he said as he sat at the PC next to me.

"Like what?"

"Same type attack bonus."

"I could just tell you about it."

"Yeah, but I'm hoping to find... well... I don't mean any offense."

"You're looking for a simpler explanation?"

"Um... Yeah."

"You don't have to worry about not getting what I say sometimes, it happens all the time, even back home."

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