Entry 8: Dawn's Reflection

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05:30 PM

"Dawn!" It was hard for me to keep up with Lucas. Both for me and Barry. "Dawn, where are you!" His voice sounded dry and like it could fail at any point, which it had, a lot. Puberty is a harsh beast, I thought.

"Lucas, hold on... I can't keep up." Barry tried to say through his harsh panting.

Barry's Starly was circling above the shoreline over the other side of the lake, which was the signal for when one of them had found Dawn. As soon as Lucas heard the Starly calling out to us, he had started running.

That kid needs some anxiety medication... I'll need some as well... Wait, crap. How am I supposed to get it? The stuff I'm on, you're not supposed to suddenly stop taking. Jack, you're getting distracted, focus on the task at hand.

"Lucas?! Is that you?!"  There she is.

He bolted towards the sound. "Dawn!"

"There you are! You found-" Lucas wrapped his arms around his sister. I think he was crying? "Hey, bro. No need to worry, we're fine."


Suddenly a loud chirping came from the siblings which Lucas didn't seem to notice.

"Hey, you're squishing Piplup!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Huh?" He suddenly let go. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I- I didn't notice you there, I didn't mean to hurt you." At least he's back to his polite self.

Dawn was holding in her arms a blue penguin Pokémon with a very rounded head. A Piplup.

"Hey, where did you get that Piplup?" Barry asked.

"Oh, yeah! I found him... Him? Him, wandering around, then when I went to say 'hello,' he ran off and got caught in an Ariados nest. I was able to get him out and then he fought back against the Ariados with the move Bide." Like in the anime. "It was so awesome, you should have seen it."

"You fought a nest of Ariados?!" Barry exclaimed, "That's so awesome!"

"You what?" Lucas exclaimed, "A-are you sure you're-"

"I already said there's no need to worry." She interrupted, "Now I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving." Then she walked off deeper in the forest.

"Wait, Dawn! That's the wrong way." I exclaimed, "The way to Twinleaf is there." I said as I pointed south-east across the lake.

"Oh," she exclaimed, "uh... Hehehe, oops."

05:45 PM

As the four of us walked home, Dawn gave us a more detailed recount of her small adventure. It was almost exactly like the first episode of the Diamond and Pearl anime. The only difference was the lack of the Chimchar that taunted Piplup and stole his food from that episode. All of our Pokémon had been returned to their Poké Balls they seemed tired after all the stress and excitement, all except the Piplup Dawn was carrying in her arms.

"When I threw a Poké Ball at Piplup, he didn't even go inside." she said as she lifted said Piplup to eye level, "There was the red light, but then it disappeared and the Poké Ball came back. Why do you think that happened."

"That's weird." Barry exclaimed, "Cause normally when a Poké Ball fails it does so after the Pokémon goes into it, right?"

"That's what I thought," Dawn replied.

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