Entry 11: Countdown

11 0 0

12:20 PM

"An electric type might be a challenge for a water type like Piplup," Dawn pondered, "but let's give it a shot!"

Dawn's Piplup moved into position.

Dawn began, "Okay, use-"

"Wait, Dawn, don't fight it!" I interrupted, "that Pikachu already belongs to someone."

"How do you know?" she asked.

However, I didn't answer, I quickly approached the Pikachu but then it responded by standing on all fours and discharging sparks from its cheeks.

"Pi..." it threatened.

"Hey, it's okay," I reassured, "I'm not going to hurt you. You belong to Ash Ketchum, right?"

"Pikapi?!" The electricity ceased as its ears perked up excitedly.

"Who's Ash Ketchum?" Lucas asked.

"Uh... he's... um," the main character of your reality, at least in it's animated format. Crap, how do I know him? I'm probably going to meet him for the first time, so how would I know him in this world? Wait, he's somewhat famous, right? He was a finalist in a few conferences. "A very good Pokémon Trainer, he was in the finals of the... Ever Grande Conference I think it was called, in Hoenn. He always has his Pikachu outside of its Pokéball."

"Then how come it's on its own?" Dawn questioned.

"That would be because of us!" A new, egocentric voice exclaimed.

Oh... f***!

"Listen is that a voice I hear?" the voice chanted, it belonged to a woman with bright magenta hair that formed a long single curl that shot out impossibly from the side of her head.

"It's speaking to me loud and clear!" a second deeper and flamboyant voice exclaimed. It came from a man with sky blue hair that reached his shoulders. Both of them wore a matching white uniform with a large red R printed on the front.

"On the wind," the woman spoke,

"Past the stars," said the man,

"In your ear!" A third character shouted with a gravelly voice, it was a beige, bipedal, feline creature with a large oval head and a golden coin implanted into its forehead.

"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace!" she said.

"Dashing hope, putting fear in its place!" he said.

"A rose by any other name is just as sweet!" said the girl.

"When everything's worse, our work is complete!" said the guy.

The woman was "Jessie!"

The man was "James!"

Then the cat Pokémon said, "Meowth, dat's a name."

"Putting the do-gooders in their place," said Jessie.

"We're Team Rocket," said James.

Then in unison, they announced, "In your face!"

Finally, they seemed to finish their bizarre performance with a unified flamboyant and egocentric pose.

"Pipi~kachu!" the electric Pokémon growled.

"That Meowth can talk!?" The twins reeled in shock, Lucas simultaneously scanning it with his Pokédex.

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