Chapter 2: Second Encounter

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Katherine's POV

Math went by within the blink of an eye. That jerk kept giving be glances but always looked away when I caught him staring. As the bell rang people literally ran out the class. I took my time to pack my bag and get out of the class. While leaving a tall girl with dirty blonde hair came up to me and started a conversation.

"Hey I'm Jessica and I heard you're new here, you want a tour?" I looked at my schedule and realized I had no idea where my AP Chemistry class was and this girl was also very sweet to say no to so I replied with a smile and a "Sure. I'm Katherine by the way."
While walking to the my locker, she was basically explaining how things worked in this school. Surprisingly she wasn't to nosy about my past, so I was beyond glad. She told me that this school had way too many cliques. There were the jocks, mean girls- yeah they do exist, cool kids, bad boys, gangsters, emo, average high schooler, barbie and well let's not forget the nerds. It was quite obvious that I belonged to the nerds.

Jessica too was a nerd even though she could pass for a VS super model anyday. Her blonde hair was put up in a ponytail and reached her waist. She had the most vibrant blue-grey eyes. She wore glasses which were too huge for her face. I was shocked when she told me she belonged with the nerds. Looks can be deceiving. Anyway, she took me to Chem and surprisingly we shared the same class.

Classes went by in a blur. I already knew what each teacher was teaching so even though I zoned out a couple of times I knew exactly what was going on. A few people were kind and exchanged pleasantries with me. Before I knew it the lunch bell rang. I walked towards my locker to keep my bag in there. As I approached my locker I saw someone leaning against it. Oh he was the same guy from the Math class. Wait, what was his name? Mr.Grey? No no no. Mr.Black? Yeah, that's it.

As I walked towards him I had only one thought in my mind. Damn was he hot. He stood there with jet black hair but up in a sexy quiff. He had chocolate brown eyes which were scanning the now filled hallway. He wore dark wash jeans, a white v-neck and a leather jacket with vans. Thank god the hallway was full of people, I did not want to be caught checking him out.

When he saw me he smiled and said, "Hey I'm from the Math class, the guy Mrs.William told not to flirt." I laughed at this. "So you're new here huh? We usually don't get many newbies in our school. I'm Chris by the way." He stuck out his hand for a handshake. Now don't get me wrong but this school had way to many people who didn't seem like they were who they are. This dude looked like he was one of the bad boys, but here he was having a civil conversation with me without flirting. I guess I may after all like this place.

I shook his hand and said, "I'm Katherine. It's nice to meet you." Well remember when I thought he was good, yeah those thoughts went down the drain as soon as he opened his mouth again. "Hell ya it's nice to meet. Have you seen this face?" He said while pointing at his face which held a cocky smirk. I just groaned and kept my stuff in my locker and started to head towards the cafeteria. Luckily Jessica gave me the directions to the place. This school was huge!

By the time I reached there, the hallways were empty and I guess I just had fifteen minutes remaining. I rushed inside and went straight to the small line. I paid for my food and spotted Jessica waving towards me. Just as I was about to make my way there, "Katherine come sit with us!" I turned to look for the source of the voice and found out it belonged to Chris. He was seated with that jerk from the parking lot and Math class. Along with them I noticed were some other guys who were shamelessly checking me up and down and some girls who wore clothes as if they were to walk in to a party. The girls were either glaring at me or thinking what good I was of. Their table disgusted me. Looking at the jerk from Math, I saw him smirking at me while Chris held an expectant expression.

I just shook my head and said, "No thanks Chris. Maybe another time."

Now let me get this straight I may be a nerd who wears glasses and all but I do have a strong personality. I person with my past is bound to have a strong personality. So I do not stutter when these 'cool kids' talk to me or when the mean girls glare at me. So I walked casually to the table where Jessica was sitting and noticed the whole cafeteria was quite. I looked around and saw everyone was staring at me. Awkward. Wow. I just his my face with my hair and whispered to Jessica whose jaw might as well be six foot under the ground, "Why is everyone looking at me as if I just killed a puppy?"

That seemed to get her out of her daze and she spoke back at an equally low volume, "You just refused to sit with the 'cool kids' and came to sit with the nerds. Not only that but you spoke for yourself." Now I don't know what got into me but I felt embarrassed all of a sudden. I knew my cheeks were going red and my head was dropped low. After a second or so the usual loud noise of the cafeteria was restored.

Jessica introduced me to her friends Anne, Camilla, Nate and Evan. I swear to god when she spoke about Evan she had a slight pink tinge on her cheeks. I'm going to ask about that later. However all of them were classified 'nerds' but were anything but nerds. Nate loved to play pranks, while Camilla loved gossip, Anne was into music while Evan was more into books. Jess and I loved movies. The only thing that got us classified as nerds was our perfect 4.0 GPA. Throughout lunch I got to know these guys better. As we were leaving, I noticed jerk face staring at me, but this time when I looked at him he didn't look away. Instead he held my gaze. I looked over and saw Anne noticed this. That's when a question came into my mind. I asked her,"What's that guys name? I've seen him twice today and I already don't like him."

She instantaneously replied, "He is Jason Miller. Preston High's most popular guy. He and Chris are best friends. They basically grew up together. He is this schools biggest player. That girl with fake blonde hair and a plastic nose is his so-called-girlfriend Nicole George. She is also schools Regina George. They both even share the same last name! Anyways Jason and she are more like friends with benefits."

After her mini monologue, I looked over and saw Jason and Chris looking towards me. Chris gave me a small smile while Jason had an intimidating stare. I simply looked away. We all headed out the cafeteria and towards our lockers. Evan and I shared the same class so I told him to keep me a place when I get there. I walked to my locker took all the books I needed and was heading to class when I forgot which way I had to go. Damn I hate huge schools. Now I know what you're thinking, I could ask someone the way to my class but the whole hallway was empty and I only had the lockers to talk to.

I thought of going to the main office just when a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me inside a room. More like inside a JANITOR'S CLOSET. Just as I was about to scream bloody murderer someone put their hand over my mouth. I knew my heart was on overdrive and I thought this is how I was going to die. I could already picture it on my grave 'Sixteen year old Katherine Barron died in a Janitors closet'.

Okay I may have thought to much into it but honestly there is always a possibility.just then the light switch was flicked on and guess who was standing there with a permanent smirk on their face?

None other than Jason Jerk Miller.

Hey guys!
Thanks for reading. Do comment some suggestions.


Maks 😊

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