Chapter 9: What happens at the Millers, stays at the Millers.

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Katherine's POV:




"Katherine Barron"

"Katherine Elizabeth Barron!"

"What?!" I finally snapped at him. It's been half an hour and I've been pacing the kitchen non stop. I look over at the culprit. It's official now. Our baby was in his stomach. The plate of pancakes was long gone, since his highness felt hungry.

"You do realise that you've been walking up and down for half an hour without uttering a word. It gets pretty creepy you know."

"You know what's creepy? You eating our child!"

"For the thousandth time. It was not a real baby. You can replace the damn egg."

I put a hand over my heart, a little dramatically, and said,"You cannot go around calling it a damn egg. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am" he says and mock salutes.

"Okay no one should know about this. No one. We will replace the egg and you will not be allowed to eat anything related to eggs until our project is done. That is your punishment."

"Are you serious? What do you want me to eat for breakfast?"

"I don't know Jason, eat fruits for all I care."

"Okay whatever" he waves his hand dismissively.

I head towards the door but suddenly stop causing Jason to bump into me. Which in turn causes me to almost fall face first to the floor.

I then turn around and ask him,"What happened to our child, will stay confined to these walls. Okay?"

Instead of answering he takes a step too close for my liking wraps an arm around my waist and says, "What happens at the Millers, stays at the Millers."

And then all of a sudden pulls away from me. Wait what was that?

Unable to form any words I just nodded and walked out the door while waving a short goodbye.


I came back home had some dinner and went to do some homework.

Q1. 2x+32y=66

All I saw was:

Blue eyes+ Brown hair= Jason Miller

My thoughts kept going back to the one and only Jason Drew Miller. Somehow today's incident kept replaying in my head. Not the part where he basically ate our child, no not that. I kept replaying the part where he held me in his arms. It felt so right. This was a very unsettling thought, but somehow my mind was bombarded with questions.

What was Mr.Popular Badass doing with me? Why did he hold me like that? Why did I like it so much? Why did I miss his warmth?

After putting my books away I crashed onto the bed hoping to be engulfed by peaceful slumber.


Next day at school, I was standing and shuffling with the stuff in my locker when I felt a presence behind the locker door.

"Evan, you do know I can walk to my class by myself right? It's been almost two months since I've been in this school."

I was answered by silence. That's when I realised it may not have been Evan but probably Jessica.

"Jess why are you standing behind my locker? You can't scare me you know that right?"

"I've given up trying to scare you", said a new voice from behind me. I jumped behind and saw Jess standing there. Suddenly I slammed my locker shut just to see Jason with a scowl on his face.

Then it hit me.

"How long have you been here?" I asked him.

"Why does Evan need to take you to class? Do you two have a thing going on? Do you like him?" Woah. Take it slow there.

"What is this? 21 questions? And for your information, he takes me to class for no particular reason. No we don't have a thing going on and honestly I don't remember what you asked after that."

His scowl just deepened. Before I could even ask why did he come here he turned on his heel and stormed off. Someone's PMSing today. I turned to look at Jess who had an amused expression painted all over her face.

"What?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She replied with a smile playing on her lips. I just groaned and started off towards my class when Evan wanted to make his presence known.

"Hello my girls." He said in a fake British accent while wrapping an arm around Jess and me. And so we walked to class laughing our arse off and talking like royal Britishers.





I woke up drenched it sweat. I looked around to find the familiar surroundings of my room. The same old turquoise blue and white walls, posters and family pictures, Bubo the teddy.

It was just a dream. No it was a nightmare. The same one. I hadn't got them since I moved back here.

Now they are back and much more livid than before.


Hey guys!

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I promise I'll explain all about it later.

Thank you guys so much for your support.





Maks 😘

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