Chapter 3: What the fudge?

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Okay remember when you were small and always wanted to be a part of a crazy adventure? Yeah those thoughts just straight out jumped out of the window. What the fudge? In front of me stood the only guy I've been intimidated by in my entire life. Jason Miller.

I've never really noticed how good he looks. No wonder girls fall head over heels for him. Here stood a guy with dark brown hair, tan skin, the most startling blue eyes. He wore dark wash jeans, a classic white v-neck a dark leather and high tops. His hair was messy but in an extremely hot way. His face wore a frown as he was looking at me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" he said with a smirk.

All the thoughts of him being a hot guy went down the drain. Sure he was hot but his Jupiter sized ego outdid anything else. Anyways my face turned into a frown. I turned my angry questioning eyes to him and asked "What the hell do you want? Why did you pull me into a bloody janitors closet huh?" With each word my voice was rising.

He looked at me for a while before asking "What's your deal cupcake? Aren't you new here?" My already thin patience wore off. I snapped looking up at him due to our height difference. He was basically six feet while I would have been five four.

"Look Mr.Badass I have a name. Katherine. And yes I'm new here if you haven't already noticed. And as to your first question, what do you mean?"

"Feisty. I like it cupcake. And what I meant is why were you looking at me all day long huh?"

"I could ask you the same question." This made him go quite. Slowly but surely he smirked. And God those tiny dimples were showing. I don't know why but guys having dimples just make them hundred times cuter. "Listen cupcake, your charms may work on others but it has no effect on me. If I want something I get it. And you are not something that I want, so whatever plan that is going on in your pretty little head won't work." With that he simply walked past me into the hallway.

I was left there dumbfounded. Millions of thoughts were running through my head. First of what charms was he talking about? Who did it work on? Why did I feel so rejected when he said he doesn't want me? Why did my heart go a little faster when our bodies touched? Ignoring all the questions I walked out and noticed my class was right next door. Luckily my teacher was fast asleep and I quickly ran into the class over to were Evan had kept a place for me. Obviously being late drew attention in the class. My teacher whose name I still didn't know was still sleeping and I could see the slight drool. I glanced around the class and noticed Chris and Jason sitting at the back and having an heated conversation. Jason's jaw clenched and gosh he looked hot.

The questions were coming back to me but ignoring it I started a conversation with Evan. He gave me the details of the class and a general idea about all the teachers. Class ended and I basically sprinted out the door. Now I'm not an athletic person, so sprinting for me is a pretty great deal. Classes went by great and I realized I always had a class either with Jess, Camilla, Evan, Nate or Anne. After school I got all these guys phone number and promised to see them tomorrow.

I went over to my car and started it with only one thought in my head, sleep. Yes even I, a nerd, felt school extremely tiring. I drove home while singing along with the radio. I changed into my PJ's and made myself some snack. And by that I mean I took a pack of chips and ice cream. I headed up to my room knowing fully well that my parents won't be back until late night. Pushing off the sleep I completed my homework like the 'nerd' I am. After that I watched Netflix while sleep came over me.

While I drifted off to dream land I had only one thought in my mind. More like one person. Jason Miller.


Next day I woke with a start to my annoying ring tone. Looking at the caller ID I was confused to see Anne's name flash across the screen. Rubbing the sleep off my eyes I groaned and answered the call.

"Morning sleepy head" her chirpy voice sounded. It was way too early for me to be happy so I just answered in my sleepy voice "What in the world you want so early in the morning? This better be good." She simply laughed and said "Get ready lazy ass I'll pick you up for school." And with that she hung up. I groaned at looked at the time and felt my heart shatter into pieces. You know when you check the time and realise there's just one minute for the alarm to go off. Yeah I'm in that situation.

In a grumpy mood I walked into the bathroom and got ready for school. After a hot shower I wrapped a towel around my body and stood in front of my closet. Hmm what should I wear? I was the new kid, so obviously I was going to be judged. Well at least I should try my best right? So I picked up a casual sundress and threw over a denim jacket and rolled up the sleeves. As for shoes I stuck to my all time favourite converse. I applied my mascara and decided to chuck my lenses and wore my glasses. Looking over I decided that' she best I'd ever do and ran down the stairs. I quickly texted Anne my address and ate some cereal.

A car honked outside and rushed out the door. I got into the passenger seat and greeted Anne. Her vibrant red hair was her best feature I must say. As I was about to change the radio station she swatted my hand away and said "Rule number one, never play with my music or else you'll be six feet underground." The way she said it was enough to know NEVER to touch her music, gosh she sent chills down my spine. Not the good kind.

After we reached school she walked us over to Camilla's locker. She treated us with a high pitched squeal. While we were chatting Camilla started with her favourite topic. School gossip. "You know I heard many guys are having the hots for you, Kath" I immediately snapped my head upwards. I surprised how I didn't tear any ligaments. "What do you mean?" "Well all I am saying is that there are guys who are interested in you."

Before I could question her any further Jess came and said in a 'duh' tone "Well obviously she's after all the 'new' kid right?" The bell rang signalling us for our first class while Anne pulled Camilla by the arm and disappeared into the hallway before I could even utter a syllable.

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Maks 😘

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