Chapter 12: "So Kath"

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Katherine's POV:

The past few weeks flew by in a blur. Nothing interesting happened. Sure, the regular dinners with the Millers continued but Jason was never there and sometimes I too was excused from the meals. School was the same. Same old boring lectures, assignments and projects. However one thing that kept going on was gossip. And this time they were gossiping about the new girl a.k.a me.

What I fail to understand is that I've been in this school for a good four months, yet I'm being called the new girl. And now people are curious about my past.

Why did she come here?
Where was she before?
I heard she was thrown out of her old school...

These were the things I heard all morning all the way up to my locker. Curious glances were thrown my way. I wasn't used to this and I hated every moment of it. I've never been to good with a lot of attention, so this bothered me.

" Don't worry Kath, they'll die down by the end of the day."

I turn around to find my best friend walking up to me with a sympathetic face.

"But Jess, I hate this attention. They're treating me like the last piece of french fry."

At this she bursts out laughing. And soon later I'm laughing with her too. You see, this is why she's my best friend. She makes me laugh when all I want to do is cry.


"So Kath"

Uh oh. Warning time. Whenever my mom has started with 'So Kath' it either means I'm in deep trouble or I need to do her a favour. Either of which screams trouble to me. I look up from my delicious spaghetti and see her big round eyes filled with hope. Favour it is then.

"Yeah mom"

"Well the other day I was walking by this place when I read about this women's club. And after some more research I and Jessica decided to join the club." I still didn't know where this was heading, so I simply nodded. "So without beating around the bush, I'll get to the point. Next week they're organising a charity event and all the members children are supposed to be there along with a date. I've spoken to Jessica and we've decided that you and Jason will go to the event together."

Did I just hear her right?

"Also you'll have to dance with him, it's customary. And knowing the way you dance, we've also enrolled you'll for dance classes which start tomorrow. And before you start to argue, think about this. It will do wonders to the business."

I was actually left speechless. They look in my mom's face was a mixture of firm and hopeful. I knew I couldn't say no to her but I still did not want to go for the event. But wait, Jessica might be telling Jason the same thing this very moment. And knowing Jason I know he'll refuse to go for such things. So in the end I'll have to go for the event but I could take someone like Nate or Evan. Phew. Planning such things is a task.

"Okay I'll go." I smiled at my mom. Her face was priceless. She was so happy and that in turn made me feel very happy. I finished my food and was about to walk up to my room when I called over my shoulder, "Also mom, I dance very well."

I could hear her laughter all the way up to my room.


Next day at school I was standing with my friends under a tree while Anne was talking about the current gossip in school. Luckily people soon got bored digging about my past and let it be.

"Then he literally pushed the guy on the floor and was about to throw another punch when..."

She stopped midway and started with wide eyes at something behind me. Startled, I turned around to find Jason walking up to us with a deadly scowl.

"How could you?" He asked when I was within hearing range. Not understanding what he meant I simply raised an eyebrow at him.

"The dance. How could you agree to go for such a thing?"

That's when it clicked. "Oh I don't mind going to the dance, you're anyway not going so I'll ask Nate or Evan", I said while pointing my finger at them.

"Who told you I'm not going?"

I looked at him with wide eyes,"You're kidding me, right? You're the bad boy of Preston High. Bad boys don't do slow dances. Heck they don't even attend such dances. They play pranks and annoy teachers. They can't be going for charity events because they're mom tells them to go." By this time I realised I was rambling.

"She didn't leave me a choice. I'm stuck in it with you. Why couldn't you refuse to go? Always want to be the goody two shoes."

"I'm not a goody two shoe, my mom gave me the puppy dog eyes and I expected you to refuse to such stuff."

Silence dawned over us. Jess, Anne, Camilla had confusion written all over their faces while Nate and Evan found their cellphones very entertaining.

When the first period bell rang, Jason ran a hand through his hair and said, "Let's just get this done with." And while pointing to all my friends he said,"And no one hears a word about this."


I'm so sorry. I know I've updated this after ages and I'm really really sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I promise to update sooner.

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT & FAN.

Maks 😘

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