Chapter 6: I'll be seeing a lot more of you

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Katherine's POV:

Now let me tell you something about riding on a motorcycle with your school's bad boy. You must be thinking it is wonderful to have the wind blowing across your face and hold onto the hottest boy of the class with no worries in the world. But sorry to break your bubble. It is quite hard to think about those things when the bad boy is speeding down the streets with you clinging onto his back while your heart in basically in your throat.

Yes my friends, the experience is horrendous. While I was screaming something along the lines of dying and coming back to haunt Jason, he was laughing his arse off which is probably not a good thing considering the fact that he was riding a death machine.

Midst all the screaming and laughing I managed to tell him my address. As soon as the death machine came to a stop I sprang out of my place and stood ten feet away from the thing.

"Glad you find amusement from my fears Miller", I said while shooting daggers from my eyes. If looks could kill he would be six feet under the ground right now. That boy still had the audacity to laugh at me. Ugh damn him to hell. Now normally I am a very kind hearted person. I wish for everyone's happiness. But there are some times like in this situation where all my kindness is thrown out the window.

"Ah Barron you're a funny little thing now, aren't you?"

"Yes Jason I live for your entertainment"

He smirked at my comment wiggled his eyebrows and said, "Well in the case I have some things you can entertain me with"

"Eww. Gross Jason. Gross. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to bed before you get any other ideas that spoil my innocent little mind." I said while making an exaggerated disgusted face.

He chuckled and said, "Goodnight cupcake! See you soon" And with that he sped off my driveway.

I heaved a sigh of relief and walked straight to my bedroom. I peeled off my clothes and jumped into my bed. I welcomed sleep with open arms.


Next morning I got up to the sound of my ringtone. Ugh. I thought of ignoring it but whoever was calling me was very persistent. I saw the caller ID. Unknown number. Who in the name of all gods would be calling me at this unruly hour of the day.

"Whoever this is, it better be important" I said as soon as I picked up the phone.

"Wake up cupcake. Rise and shine."

"Jason I don't know how you got my number but it is too early for me to deal with your shit."

"Now now cupcake that is not the way you treat people is it?"

"Jason I'm giving you ten seconds to tell me why you've called or else I'm hanging up"

He mocked hurt and said,"Cupcake now your simply hurting my feelings. Can't I just check up on my favourite cupcake."

"Okay first of, I'm not a bloody cupcake! Secondly don't even tell me you have other 'cupcakes' and thirdly no you're not the kind of guy who'll 'check up' on somebody."

Knock knock.

I went to my room door to open it, "Now is that true?"

To say I was shocked was an understatement. "What in the world are you doing here?" I all but screamed.

"Man, I knew I had an impact on the ladies but please don't need to scream every time you see me!"

"Oh please get over yourself I scream not in pleasure but in pain. Every time I see you I feel the need to claw my eyes out."

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