Chapter 11: Blast from the past.

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Katherine's POV:

I rolled over to the other side of the bed and felt something heavy on my waist. Ignoring it I fell off to sleep again. Not even a second later, I felt warm breath against my forehead. Warm breath against my forehead? My eyes shot open and were as wide as saucers when I caught the sleeping face of Jason. That's when the memories came back rushing in.

Jason was drunk. He couldn't stay at his place. I let him sleep in my room, on the floor. ON THE FLOOR. I was just about to scream at him, when I realised our position. My head was in the crook of his neck while his arm was draped over my waist our legs entangled. We were spooning. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. And my parents must be at home, screaming meant waking them up. Without thinking I got out of his arms and pushed him off the bed. He fell with a loud thud. Being the sleeper he is, he still didn't wake up.

After about a few more hours of sleep I woke up again. I stretched and looked over to the floor to see it empty. I began to panic. What if he walked out of the room and my parents saw? I hurriedly got off my bed and noticed a note taped to my bedroom door.

Left through the window. Didn't want to disturb your sleep. Thanks for last night. I owe you one.

Also why did I land up on the floor?
P.s  You look cute when you sleep.


The last line made blood rush up to my cheeks. For some unknown reason I kept the piece of paper folded in my desk drawer.


Boring. That's one word that could sum up my life. I've never had much of an interesting life. Except for one incident which I hope to erase off my memories. I'm usually not the kind of person that has regrets. I believe everything has a purpose, even if it is failing your Math test. But one particular incident made me question many of my decisions.

Veronica Brown. The name rings so many bells, but one emotion that stands out is guilt. Trust me, I did no wrong, however guilt is the only emotion I feel.

Let me give you a brief.

Veronica Brown was one of my fellow classmate at my school in NY. She used to be the typical queen bee. Also she had a passion for bullying people. Since I was the nerdy kid, she always thought I'd be an easy target. But that's where she went wrong. Even though I was the quiet nerdy girl, I could never tolerate bullying and I always stood up for myself. That worked pretty well for most of my schooling there, however we soon turned out to be sworn enemies. I hated her for who she was and she hated me. Never a kind word was exchanged.

Last year I along with my then best friend, Pixie, were walking down the crowded streets of NY. We just came out of one of the café and I was heading back to Aunt Jenna's when the little devil decided to make her appearance.

"Look what we've got here, miss nerdy and her tag along" She said in the meanest way possible.

I simply ignored her and continued to drag along Pixie with me.

"Don't you dare walk away from me, you filthy little nobody! Just because I don't show my true powers, you're able to walk around here. I'm being kind to you and this is how you repay me? What have I ever done to you?"

With the last sentence she began walking backwards onto the main road where the signal just turned green. The look on her face wasn't hate, it wasn't anger, it was just pure exhaustion and confusion. Before I could even get a word in, a car sped up and knocked her cold to the floor. I didn't know what to do, I ran up to her, called the ambulance, went with her to the hospital. She wasn't dead, but was in coma. Over the months she didn't recover and this was the time I actually got to know her as a person. Yeah she was mean 99% of the time, but that 1% goodness was pure. Months passed by and it wasn't until four months ago when she was actually declared dead.

Many rumours spread in the school. Some stated that I pushed her on the road, others say I watched her die, some even went as far as saying that I payed the driver of the car to kill her. Ridiculous. While she was in coma, I recalled all that she ever said to me. True, it was beyond mean, however the last look on her face made my mind change. Throughout this time, Pixie avoided me and started hanging out with the populars. I couldn't care any less.

This was the reason I came to live with my parents. NY held to many memories. I won't lie, not all were bad, but it was definitely by worse.

California was a new start. I had new friends. People I could count on. There was Jess, Camilla, Anne, Nate, Evan and.....


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Hope you're liking the book so far. Feel free to suggest anything. Book covers and fan work is appreciated. Also sorry for the short chapter.

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Maks 😘

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