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"lucas!" i yelled. "gordon!" he yelled back walking up to me. "my friend's friend think you're hot." i said waiting for a reaction. "first who is this friend you suddenly have and second, of course i'm a natural beauty." "ya okay, keep thinking that blondie."

"what does he even look like." he asks sitting down. "my friend or my friend's friend?" "both."

michaelgclifford: i told my friend and he wanted to see wat ur friend looked like

calum_hood: ight

"he's gonna take a picture of his friend and I'll show you." I said rolling on my back.

"okay, while he does that, how did you make a new friend, I thought you hate people?" Luke asks waiting for an answer.

"correction, i hate people in real life. but calum is my only internet friend. so ya. just you two." i gave him a thumbs up and saw my phone flash from a twitter notification. i grabbed it and saw he sent the picture.

"here," i tossed him the phone and he gaped. "he's........ fuckable." i look him up and down and laughed.

"like you would top?" i grabbed my phone back. "you think im not capable?" he questions. "yes, look at the boy and then at you." he glanced and looked at me with a pout. "you're right."


calum_hood: u still there michael

michaelgclifford: in present

calum_hood: lol no bc ur in california im in aus

michaelgclifford: stop ruining shit for me dammit calum

calum_hood: *surrenders*

"calum!" i heard my dad yelling, slamming the door. "shit, ashton get under the couch." i pointed to the couch and he rolled under it, knowing how my dad hates ashton. "calum,
did you finish-- is that a foot?" he pointed to the foot. i kicked it and ashton's foot went right under. my dad walked over and pushed me off the couch earning an ow from me.

"ashton you better fucking get out if my house right now." my father said lowly. ashton quickly got out from under the couch and ran to the front door walking home.

"i told you not to invite that boy over." he growled and slammed his keys on the table. "well you're the one telling me that i should make friends and you're say its my fucking fault for being antisocial!" i said walking over to him. "because it is your fault!"

"how is that?"

"because i had you."

i was surprised at his comment. he's rarely said this to me but why now? "if you hated me so much why didn't you put me up for adoption?" i yelled. "your mother didn't want to, she loved you too much." he said in a normal tone. "I honestly didn't give a shit about you. i would of laughed so fucking hard if your killed yourself. i really hope you do."

that's when i nearly fucking broke down.

"why are you saying these things to me? i never did anything to you!" my voice cracked in the middle.

he grabbed his jacket and left the house, leaving me in tears.

"i fucking hate that man." i stormed up the stairs and entered my bedroom.


New Tweet from '@calum_hood'!

I opened my laptop and looked at calum's twitter to see what it was. i frowned when I saw what it said.

@calum_hood "nothing in my life has ever made me want to commit suicide. but what just happened to me, i may consider it."

antisocial || malumDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora