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after talking to michael, i put on boots, and walked out of my room, wanting to go on a walk.

"where are you going?" my dad asked looking up at me. "i ask you that question every time you leave me and i don't get a response, so why should i respond to you?" i glared at him. "excuse me? it's not my fault i'm always on business trips, trying to get money to pay for everything." he scowls.

"you know what," i walk up to him, gaining a confidence i never had, "you're always fucking saying stuff to me like i would leave like mum. i don't know why but you need help. i'm a sad 17 year old boy who just needs help. but no, you want me to suffer like my mother did, huh david?" i hardened my gaze on him once his gaze became softer. "what happened? we were such a great family, you fucking had to ruin it buy making my mother, the mother i loved with all my heart, kill herself!" i felt tears roll down my cheeks but i don't care.

i looked at him and he glared at me. next thing i know is that he slaps me right on the cheek. i stumble back in shock.

"you can read right through me huh, i will not be treated like this calum do you understand me?" he grabbed my collar and pulled me closer.

i pushed his hand off my shirt and walked away, to the door. "i'm offically done with your shit." and slammed the door shut.


"hey cal-- what happened?" ashton asked worriedly. i looked at him and broke down.

"your dad?"

i nodded quickly and he pulled me into his house giving me a hug.

"i want mikey," i cried into his shoulder, but he lives so far away."

"i'm sorry calum, i wish i could do something about it but i'm poor." we walked into his bedroom. ashton's eyes widened. "what state is michael in?"

"california.... why are y--"

"where does mali live?"

"cali-- holy." i shot up to grab my phone and dialled her number.

"hi calum!"

"um, i need to tell you something and then ask you something. do you have time?" i asked.

"if it's you i have all the time in the world to listen to you."

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