6. Entrance exam

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I picked up Hitoshi and Midoriya on my motor bike and we set off for the campus.

We rushed into the testing room and were sadly split up. Just before the lights went out I double checked my surroundings to make sure I knew were each of my friends were located in case of any problems.

Shoto would be taking a different test because of recommendations. Aizawa did not recommend me and I did not ask him to.

Izuku was seated a couple rows down from the entrance and the blonde Pomeranian was seated beside him.

Hitoshi was seated three rows in front of me and was surrounded by some students wearing the same school uniform as his. They were all whispering and giggling into their hands. But Hitoshi wasn't. He was pulling his shoulder higher and higher like he was a turtle ducking into his shell.

I threw two pencils at the seats on either side of him and they sheathed themselves in the wooden table. Scaring the kids around him. Hitoshi leaned his head back tiredly and his eyes connected with mine.

Hitoshi's lips twitched and he was facing forward again, more confident, and his classmates said nothing after that.

The lights went down and a voice spoke out from the stage. A familiar voice. Sometimes Aizawa has late night phone calls with friends. Sometimes it's this man sometimes it's a woman.

But another thing that made this man familiar was I also recognize his voice from the radio show Izuku listens to often. The Voice Hero: Present Mic.

"What's up UA candidates? Thanks for tuning into me, your school deejay!"

He began to list off what the test was and what we would be battling. The whole time Present Mic talked, I had one ear pointed on him and the other towards Midoriya.

Izuku was mumbling a mile a minute and basically fanboying out for Present mic. It was like he was speaking another language that only me, him, and Hitoshi knew. Being around Izuku so much I'm practically a mumble translation expert.

Others did not find his commentary as cute. As seen by the broad shouldered blue haired male that stood up and then began to berate Izuku, loudly and angrily. My upper lip curled and I threw my last pencil hard enough it flew through the air breaking the left lens of the boys glasses and then into the wall behind him. The pencil sank into the wall almost 3/4 of itself.

"Who threw that!" He shouted angrily looking everywhere. His glasses where askew on his face and I most definitely shattered the left lens.

I stood up in my seat proudly (it was the only way anyone would see me). "Leave him alone, he's a fanboy and he has a right to be excited when he sees his favorite heroes!"

"What's a seven year old doing in a Highschool exam room?!" The blunette shouted while moving his hands in a chopping motion.

I snarled lowly, but in this big auditorium it echoed menacingly. "I'm 18! Now sit down and respect Present mic!"

The blunette sat down on shakey legs.

Still standing on my chair I turned to Present mic and my ears dropped low like a sad cat. "Apologies Present Mic San. Sorry for the interruptions, Please continue." I bowed lowly before jumping up again. "Ano? Does anybody have an extra pencil. That was my last one." I pouted.

"It's okay little listener. As I was saying the last villain is the zero pointer. Defeating it will not get you points but it is an obstacle. Now are you ready little listeners?!"

"Nya!" I shouted excited jumping up in my seat. Present mic lowered his glasses as he looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you little listener!"

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