9. Apprehension Test P2

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"The erasure hero: Eraserhead!"

Even tho I had totally zoned out most of the conversation I did perk up at Aizawa's hero name. My classmates were mostly clueless about who that was so I piped in with "Only the coolest hero! Nya!" I said excitedly jumping around. I was then distracted by Tokoyami's dark shadow and began chittering with him.

I was drawn back in by the smell of caramel and explosions. I jumped away from Tokiyami and shifted into the bengal tiger before running in front of Izuku and growling at the blonde Pomeranian.

At the same time Aizawa wrapped the boy in his capture scarf. "They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy. Jeez. Don't keep making me use my quirk over and over. I have dry eye." He pulled his scarf back and I growled at the boy again. "We're wasting time. Whoever's next, get ready."

Izuku walked around the Pomeranian while I stood in between keeping low to the ground and ready to fight if the boy so much as moved.

Sit-ups were too easy and I did way more than needed. And for seated toe touch I went way past my feet. A small purple haired boy kept giving me looks while I did it. It made me really uncomfortable and after the test I hid behind Aizawa.

The last test was long distance running. I shifted into my tiger again. At one point I spaced out and Aizawa had to call me to stop.

Everyone gathered around as Aizawa began to show the results.

I easily got first place and shoto got third. Izu got last.

"By the way I was lying about expulsion. It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your quirks." Aizawa said.

Most of my class mates freaked out and the girl who got second: Momo spoke up. "Of course that was a lie. It would have been obvious if you just thought it through."

I hissed before prowling to Aizawa and shifted back beside him holding his jumpsuit in one hand and my cheek in the other. "Wasn't a lie. Aizawa doesn't lie." I said but no one but him heard me.

"With that we're done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them" Aizawa said walking away. I kept hold of his jumpsuit and followed him. "Midoriya, have the old lady fix you in the nurses office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself."

I followed Aizawa to the side of the building and he was called out to by a buff man in a yellow pinstripe suit. "Aizawa, you liar."

My head bounced back and forth as they talked.

"All might. So you were watching? Too much time on your hands."

"A rational deception you said. April fools was last week. You punished a whole class of last years first-years with expulsion. You cut those you judge to be without potential without hesitation. For a man like that to take back his words—that must be because you also felt the potential of that kid, right?"

""Also" you seem to be supporting him quite a bit. Is that how a teacher should be acting? His potential was not zero. That's all it was. I will always cut those without potential. There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway." Aizawa said walking away from the buff man.

I followed close behind still holding his jumper. "He smells kinda like mr Yagi?"

Aizawa said nothing but picked me up and carried me to recovery girl. "You did good on the tests but try not to eat the machine next time."

"I sorry." I mumbled over his shoulder. "What do ya want for dinner?"

"Miso ramen."

"And vegetables?" I said playing with his hair.

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