Chapter 1: Finding the Demon

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I clawed my way through the thin membrane of the shell that confined me. My small front claws were placed on the gritty ground. I kicked away the rest of the shell and my full body fell onto the ground.

My back legs I could feel were strong and ready to stand on. I rose, my front paws lifting from the ground and sitting in the air The sun's warm rays flooded through my body keeping my black scales warm through the day.
-------------------------time skip (12 years)-----

   I watched my prey, a four point buck, from a few yards away. The over grown brush hid me from the animals gaze and masked my scent. Its ears flicked as small flies buzzed around its head. I had been sitting here for what felt like days but had only been an hour or two. Once it started to turn away and get a drink of  water I began my ritual. I ran from the wood that hid my sleek black body. A yellow stripe ran from my head to the tip of my tail.

By the time the deer lifted its head it was too late. I pounced, sweeping its legs from under it with my long tail in a swift motion. My long sickle claws on my back feet dug into my preys back and I felt its legs snap. I wrapped my front paws around its thick neck, quickly flipping the soon to be carcass on its back. A sickening, snap told me it's back was broken. If it tried running before it maybe could have but now there was no way it could. It let out a bellowing shriek as my claws ripped through this underside and slashed through its chest.

I grinned at it as well as I could, my sharp yellowish teeth exposed to my prey. Its bellows turned to garbled cries through blood that was pouring through its neck that I slit. This is fun to watch..I squinted at the dying buck in my claws.

I swiftly arched my neck, opened my jaws and crunched down on its throat. Blood filled my mouth and the deers cries went quiet. Only the snapping and crunching of me eating was heard.

Once I finished eating I left the body for any scavengers. Vultures, coyotes those types of things. I left on all fours, walking through a few trails in the forest that lead to my nest.

I checked to make sure I wasn't being followed, being the only of my kind heightened my self-preservation senses. I thought I did everything right. Until a net crashed over my head making me fall. I was stunned for not more than a moment and began lashing at the ropes.

My claws made their mark on a few knots and ripped at them, dismembering the nets in a matter of a few seconds. I let out an infuriated roar, broadcasting my rage to the forest.

Soon thicker ropes found their marks on my hind legs. I felt a yank on them and tried to lift one up, only making me weaker though. One sharp tug later I had fallen to the ground with a loud thud. "AHHH LET ME GO!" I screeched at them, my mouth soon had a harness on it though.

I felt a few darts hit my neck and I almost immediately passed out. My tail stopped lashing and my violet eyes closed as unnatural sleep settled around my mind like a thick fog.

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