Chapter 3: Wrath of the Demon

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A few days had passed. Many tests followed my arrival in the lab. Needles were inserted in most places where my skin was soft enough to pierce. I was able to walk around the lab at least, though my hatred for the man that brought sadness to that little human grew by the minutes. He hated how I proved him wrong. How I continued to behave. How I didn't try to murder everyone every chance I got.

I wanted to end that man. I wanted to dig my claws into his torso and watch as he bled. I wanted to shred his legs so fine they wouldn't even know what they were anymore. I lusted for the moment I could stare into his eyes as he died before twisting his head off with one jerk of my head.

Thoughts of how I would do it circled my mind. If I get him alone... if I wait for precisely two days when he and I are left alone. The thoughts of when I let my predatory side take over were vivid in my mind.

I heard my name, Lucifer, being called. I shook my head as I recognized the voice. Its her. I swept my tail around me and let out a small growl-chirp to let her know where I was.

She giggled when she found me sitting perfectly still with my tail wrapped around my hind legs. "Hi Lucifer." She smiled a bright, toothy grin at me. I stuck my neck out and snatched her up, raising her in the air by her shirt. "Hey.." She looked at me her face unamused.

I rolled my violet ones and set her down carefully. She threw her arms around my shoulders, the soft, light, texture of her shirt rubbed on my smooth scales.

I heard heavy footsteps approach the room I resided in. I let out an angry growl, the sound alerted Sai and she went to hide behind me. I wrapped my tail around her, making sure I could hold her safe. "I know you want to kill him, but I'm safe. He's just protective." She patted my leg and I whipped my head around, my gaze softened.

I gave her a pleading look. I could keep her here, safe. I could protect Sai. She could always be protected. She hardened her expression and I knew she was serious. "Fine. I won't kill him. Not for a few hours anyway." The last part of my sentence was quiet enough Sai couldn't hear.

I will keep you safe. No matter what I have to do. If it means killing that man, I'll do it. I thought protectively.

I let my tail hang loose and let out a small growl letting her know it was safe for her to leave. She pet my head when I lowered it as she does when I see her.

----------------------time skip(3 hours)-----------

As the lights shut off for the night I slipped silently under the cover of darkness to the man's room. I didn't know his name, I didn't need to. He was busy in his office side-room that he didn't notice I snuck in. I let out a chiding snarl, letting him know I was here.

He came running wide eyed from his office to his main bedroom. "How- how did you get here?" His voice was shaky, and he grasped a pen in his hand like a knife. I let out a laugh-like bark. Sweat began to bead on his brow, and I swept my tail under his feet.

Quickly, in one bound, I leapt over him and stuck my large sickle claw in his head. A crunch and a squelch later, I landed and pryed his body off of my claw. Blood splattered the room and stained my grayish claws. A groan emmited from his mouth as the light drained from his eyes.

His death, the anguish it caused him made me happy. Light of joy sparkled in my eyes as I stood over him. Soon though, not twenty minutes later I heard a few very far off steps. My head flicked upward and I stared out the open door. Before anyone could think that I had done it, I carefully positioned the pen in his neck after stabbing one claw in it.

As I licked the tantalizing scarlet, I stopped thinking. A need for a fresh kill had driven me to this. I relished in the few moments I had to eat him. I decided to take a few small bites from his neck and ran. I needed to get back, the moon was starting to dip in the sky.

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