Chapter 7: Breaking Lucifer(pt 1)

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My head throbbed and my sickle claw clicked. I opened my eyes slightly, light pouring in giving me a further headache. My tail swished, my scales scraping on concrete. I felt binds on my mouth so all the sound I could muster was a disheartened growl.

I curled my lip slightly and my tongue flicked in and out of my mouth. When I stopped my growling I heard foot steps click from down a seemingly ling corridor. I turned my head, straining my neck in an odd "u" shape so I could see behind me.

I studied my body for a moment before confirming most of me wasn't tied down. I rose so that my front paws were propping me up. I used them to turn around just in time to see a small framed women in a pencil skirt and blouse of a matching navy blue. She carried a brown clipboard and a black gel pen.

I turned to face her with narrowed eyes and my face bent down slightly. She stared at me over half-moon glasses and walked into my "room" with loud, clicking heels. I had barely met this woman and I hated her. I took one long sniff, raising my head in the air trying to get a sense of the smells of this chamber.

Scents of bleach entered my nostrils first. Soon after wafts of lavender, honey and poison came through as well. It must have be enough the scent of the way they cleaned the room and the woman. Why does she carry the smell of poison though? I thought, finding the smell off-putting.

I lifted one paw as she maneuvered in front of me. She scribbled on the paper without a single sound leaving her mouth. With the other side of the pen she jabbed me in the belly. I let out a muffled yelp and she rolled her eyes. I noticed she had something like a lead around her shoulders that she snatched off after a few minutes of examining me.

"Alright. Let's go, gotta test ya." Her voice had a thick undistinguishable accent.

She clipped the lead onto a small ring under my head gear. I shook my head and lifted one claw up to figure out where exactly this lead hung. She held onto the lead firmly and slapped my paw with the clipboard.

I curled my lip and let out a warning growl. Better not try that again. I spoke in my mind, hoping I growled menacingly enough. She froze for a moment, her hand holding the lead hovering over the clips that held my back feet to the ground. I stopped growling and she undid them.

I stood up on my back legs, half lifting the woman in the air. She half growled at me at half told me to put her down. I shook my head a little and then dropped onto all fours.

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