Chapter 10: Breaking out of Hell

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A single guard entered my room, in his left hand he carried a pale beige dish with a few raw steaks piled a top one another. I had been left without any binds or restraints. Foolish. I thought as I calculated my plan.

He stepped toward me with no hesitation and that was his first mistake. I swept my tail along the floor and flicked it under his feet. He let out a stocky yelp and fell on his tailbone. I leapt up and pounced on top of him. My tail lashed behind me and my muzzle was not but inches from his face. I knew my breath was warm, the air heating his cheek.

He hadn't screamed. Not yet. I lifted one of my back paws carefully, the sickle claw landing softly on his leg. About knee length. I grinned at him and heard a snap as I broke his lower leg and a squelch as I stuck my claw into his knee. I quickly repeated this with his other leg and my other foot.

Screams of agony filled the air around me and I pressed my claws to his mouth. He tried to bite me only to hurt his teeth by crunching down onto my claw. I growled at him louder and pressed down, the snap of his nose and crunch of his lower jaw a satisfying noise.

He tried to scream but I moved my paw so that it cover his eyes. He whimpered before I squeezed and his skull crunched under the force. Blood stained my claws, my front and back paws as well. I rose up, ending up on my back legs.

My violent plum eyes landed on the hallway. Now! My mind made me lurch into action and I sprinted down the hall. I screeched and forcefully threw myself through a heavy door. It gave way under my weight and I fell onto mossy ground. The scent of forest flooded my senses for the first time in a year. Joy filled my now lanky, well-muscled body. Rays of sunlight heated my ebony scales, heating me to the bone.

I had to squint to see through the light and the bright greenery. I knew I wasn't safe yet and that probably not far from now I would see walls or fence guarded by strong men and small carnivorous dino's. I stood up swiftly, my tail balancing me. I let instinct lead me through the forest as it was the same one I used to live in.

Muscle memory pulled me into a clearing, once empty of all but a few lone bucks and a watering hole now fully populated. As I stepped over into the field carefully a bolt of electricity zapped my whole body. It's an invisible fence. I gasped and shook my head.

My tail lashed and I let out a shriek that terrified the deer not five hundred yards in front of me. Since my place here had not been properly filled, the deer population had skyrocketed.

Not many predators lived in these woods surprisingly. I growled loudly, crescendoing into a booming roar. My sorrow and anger battling each other in the ringing sound. I scratched the ground with my back claws and I gnashed my teeth. I heard the distant thumping of heavy feet and paws. And the chase has begun. Since I had grown a tolerance to their tranquilizers I could get away if they open the gate.

I ran, my back legs still strong and muscular. As I came upon a large rock formation I leapt, landing somewhat gracefully and continuing my strong gait. My tail was up and curved a bit to keep me from tumbling head over heel.

Something metallic caught my gaze, the sunlight glinting off of it drew me in. Pausing, I sniffed the air, still weary that  it may be a trap. Nope, no one has been here for a long time. My mind let me know. My tail quivered with excitement. It was a fence. I backed up before sprinting full force and clearing the wall with ease.

Joy shot through me like a bullet, my heart beating like a freight train. I let out a triumphant chirp and ran off. My instincts took over my brain. No one would capture me again. I would be home free. My own stale scent filled a cave not far from here, and I let my body and mind embrace freedom for the first time in over a year.

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