Chapter 5: Making a Deal with the Devil

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Not long after that day when Sai and I cuddled in the sun she stopped visiting as often. It made me sad that I didn't see her anymore. No one came to my enclosure other than to feed me and run random behavior tests.

Why hasn't she come by? It's been a week. My mind buzzed with gruesome, depressing thoughts of why she wasn't visiting my cage. I curled my lip as I heard the heavy metal door that kept me confined open. I let out a menacing snarl and sniffed the air.

Sai! My mind shouted before she could even step into sight. I jumped into a large tree that was in my enclosure, waiting in the thick, knotted branches.

"Lucifer?! I know you're in here!" Sai called out, cupping her smooth hands around her mouth.

I rolled my eyes. I knew she knew that I wouldn't come out even if she begged me. I wanted to scare her. Even though I cared for her I needed to let her know that I wasn't a dinosaur to be trifled with.

I watched her with the intensity I watched that buck so many moons ago. Instinct and practicality battled in my mind like the waves and the shoreline on a windy day. I won't kill her.. just scare her! I thought. Nodding to myself I figured out my plan. I would drop behind her silently, waiting for a moment before letting out a snarl and placing a claw on her shoulder.

As the rest of my plan unfurled in my mind, I plopped on the ground. She looked around the enclosure, her back to me. My tail lashed impatiently and I let out a menacing growl in her ear. I tapped her with one of my front paws.

She let out a screech that rang out in my ears louder than the whistle of the darts that began my confinement to this desolate room. Painted leaves and plastic vines. She spun around, giving me a rush of amusement. Exposing my teeth in a smile like manner, Sai let out a sigh.

"Lucifer! You ... you can't do that to me!" She spoke light-heartedly, poking me with her index finger. A small growl, a playful one this time, escaped me.

"You may be wondering why I'm here. Fair enough! I haven't been here for a while. I feel... bad. About it. But.. I need to learn to trust you again."

Her hazel eyes pierced through my violet ones. I nodded at her and she stroked my lower neck. I dropped down so she could scratch the top of my head. Right between a few of my spikes.

A felt her nails in the crick of each of my scales. A purr escaped me, loud and happy. She giggled, the sound of it elated me. A high I couldn't have found if I hadn't been stolen from my home.

The thought disgusted me. Happiness sparked within me even though this was my prison. A place with fake plants, no windows except to the laboratory across from me. The sun only crept through some cracks in the ceiling, no real wind washed over my scales, just fake heat or air cooling systems.

"In all seriousness though, I want to get you out of here. I need you to leave. Not because I think you can't be trusted, but because you need to live in real nature."

Her voice was solemn, and I listened. My mind screamed in agreement, but my soul didn't want to leave her here. If I hated it, she must hate it too. It must be too cold for her. Too.. bland for her. Sai needed to come with me.

I clicked my cycle claw in a rhythm only she understood. When the best ended she pulled my head to face hers. She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead to mind. I breathed in her scent, closing my eyes as well. She smelled of honeysuckle and lilac.

When she pulled away I sat upright, towering a massive two feet above her. She was proving to be getting larger, but I knew I would always tower over Sai.

"Listen, I'll take you outside for... an hour today! If you don't try to break through the walls of the labs grounds then throughout the week we can travel the forest."

I looked at her excitedly. My tail wagged and I stood on all fours. Now about three feet taller than her. I let out a series of chirps that let her know I was extremely excited.

"Let's go boy." She smiled her usual warm smile and stood. She waved me on and I followed obediently.

My claws clicked behind her footsteps. As a door opened sunlight poured onto my scales. I squinted my eyes at the warm rays, trying to keep them from blinding me. Sai ran outside, her arms delaying out on either side, a whole-hearted laugh echoing the large courtyard.

I let out a roar, sending any nearby birds flying out of their trees faster than lightning. Calls of crows mingled with the wind. Wind! Real wind! Sunlight too! My head was a cacophony of observations of the world I had been stripped of.

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