Chapter 9: Training the Beast

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As the world around me came into sight, a splitting pain in the back of my head began. I winced, trying to press my claw to my head only to realize they had restraints.

I opened my eyes enough to see the sickeningly bright light around me and the boring beige walls. The hum of a heater turning on greeted me, and the scent of bleach flooded my nose. I closed my eyes and chuffed my anger.

As my headache ceased I opened my eyes again. The lights seemed dimmer and I realized that they seemed bright because of my head. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the new space.

The woman entered my new confinement space and I flicked my tail to let her know I was allowing her in my space. She walked around the length of my body, slowly making it to my head. I lifted my head, my neck feeling a bit strained but still doing its job.

She stuck one hand out and stroked the back of my head and upper neck. My muscles twitched and my spikes lowered to show her that I wasn't going to hurt her. A mixture of feelings fluttered in my mind and belly. How did she know I liked when I was pet like that? My question burned in my mind, aping with my worry for Sai.

She had been taken too, so where is she? The awful scents of the several places I've been in here blocked my nose up. I curled my lip when she lifted her hand and snatched the muzzle on my head. My spikes flared and she yelped when she felt one or two pierce her arm. A snarl slipped through my teeth and I did nothing to stop it.

She held her arm, crimson blood dripping onto the white floor, staining her new grey dress. I tried to open my jaws to snap but the metal and leather binds on my jaws kept them in place. My tail lashed and I realized I could sweep her legs.

I swished it around for a bit before finally swaying it around and ripping her feet out from under her. She screamed and I knew that she had been wounded decently. I widened my eyes to study her but stayed wary.

She rose, her once well-kept, smooth hair was in disarray. I growled as she walked up to me, blood dried to her clothes and her arm and hands. My claws slowly sawed through my muzzle even though my paws were on the ground.

She reached forward just as the last strand of sinew from the leather snapped. The muzzle fell away and I snapped at her. My mouth crashing onto her hand. "Rahhhh!" She screeched, her voice pitching up and tears rolled down her face. Soon a team of burly guards and Deinonychus ran inside.

One of the guards tackled my head, confusion and brute strength pulled me down. I took the woman's hand with me and they slipped a full metal band over my mouth. Blood poured in a thick waterfall. The crimson of it was crusted around my lips and the floor around me.

The team of people and dinosaurs forced me up after undoing my bindings and edged me down a long, echo-y hallway. Nervous sounds came from deep in my throat and I kept looking around.

As I was shoved into a room, the clamp on my jaws fell off. I opened and closed my mouth a few times and curled my lip. Quickly, and axe was thrown across the room. I turned my head, stopping away from the weapon in one swift movement. A human was standing there and I ran at him with my rage fueling me.

He looked terrified and pulled a clicker from his hind pocket. I was stunned into stillness. I twisted my feet and slid to a stop mere inches from the person.

He looked at me warily and inched around me. I cocked my head and watched him with the intensity I liked to watch my prey. He clicked a few times and I lashed my tail in response. He smiled, a relieved sigh being exhaled. His shoulders slumped and I tensed, ready to strike if he tried to come closer to me.

Noting this, he straightend and clicked it again. I'm going to be her for... A while. I realized, my eyes drooped and I dropped down onto all fours.

-----------------------time skip(two hours)------

After learning a long string of commands the man clicked the clicker for the last time. I knew what I was to do when a laser was pointed on someone. When the clicker made noise enough times I would sit, be battle ready or protect whatever I was directed to.

My eyes went dark and I was brought into my cell. Blood stained the floor still, but it was mostly cleaned up. I sat down, waiting.

Food would come soon and I knew what I had to do to leave this prison.

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