Chapter 12: Vengeance

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The day had come and gone, and Sai was nestled into my surrendered nest deep within the safety of the stone walls as I paced outside. A low growl built in my throat as I thought of the prison that had held the two of us captive. My mind buzzed with ways to exact revenge, carefully crafting a perfect route to vengeance.

I glanced back at the cave that even my exceptional night vision couldn't reveal the contents of. My ebony scales blended perfectly with the inky black of the forest that wore a cloak of night. I huffed once before slipping away, rage keeping my senses alert.

I stalked through the night, eventually smelling the acrid bleached scent of the training facility. The metallic scent of a chainlink fence wound through my nostrils as I came upon the thing. I hooked my front claws as high as I could reach and lifted my leg to begin scaling the towering fence. A crunch from ahead of me made me go stiff as I arched over the barbed wire atop the fence.

Carefully, I ease myself down, slipping between the fence and a bone white rectangular building. The building itself was two stories tall and had windows only at the second story. I sniffed the air, stalking towards the familiar scent, only to find an unfamiliar one snaking through the air. I froze, straining my ears to try and figure out who or what could be out here with me. Another dinosaur. Perfect. As if perfectly punctuated, the thought ended with a booming roar of a Carnotaurus. I whipped around the corner, screeching loudly like a Velociraptor.

The opposing dino roared again, jumping slightly at the sudden sound and sight of me. I sidestepped to an even darker nook, disappearing into the dark of the night. I hissed, stalking around and taking a flying jump at its hindquarters with another screech.

Sinking my teeth into its upper thigh, I latched my claws into the base of its tail. The other dino boomed a roar, snarling and running, and began to slip on the leg I bit. A grin split my bloodied lips, and I let go, falling to the ground and landing with one foot planted firmly behind me, both arms on the ground. I licked the metallic blood that dirtied my perfectly inky scales, quickly diving to its foot. I opened my jaws wide, ripping through the delicate scales skin and tendons in its ankle, pulling away quickly. Blood poured from the wound and splattered onto me in a shower of crimson, lit only by moonlight.

The thrill the adrenaline gave me sent me rushing to the downed creatures' throat. It screeched, the sound turning to a gurgle as my now clamped jaws sent blood flowing from its neck and mouth. My violet eyes had a crimson tint to them, and my tail lashed behind me. I lifted one paw, studying the claw that was perceived as my index before sending it into the Carno's eye, prying the emerald orb free.

My front was covered in blood, and the same crimson liquid dripped from my claws and mouth. I flicked the eyeball off, beginning my march to my captors.

The titanium door stood before me, a keypad that kept it locked next to it. I hissed, smashing the keypad and causing the door to open. As I stepped inside, a blaring siren and red spinning lights berated my senses, making the blood look like tinted water. I glanced around and spotted four worried looking guards, which I crept towards, darting behind a garbage can. I swung my body and tail around, sweeping three of them off their feet. One stood quivering, beginning to dart off as soon as I fully revealed myself.

My long claws tapped the white tiled floors, he tripped, and I used the opportunity to spring. He had apparently called for back up because as soon as I had snapped his neck, two more guards emerged, this time with one raptor each.

I growled, directing the sound at the raptors. We all stood there for a few very tense moments before I had convinced the raptors to turn on their captors. I licked my chops, chirping once. They turned slowly and dropped into a crouch. "Shit, shit, shit SHIT!!!!" The guards screamed, stumbling backward, trying to crawl before hitting a wall. I sauntered towards them, killing one instantly with a slice of my claws to their neck. The one that I kept alive for a moment spoke in a hurried, pleading tone. "Please, good dinosaur! You won't kill me? I can help! Please!" I grinned , seemingly obeying his desperate pleas. He smiled worriedly, though soon screamed along with my roar. I stepped away, the two raptors on my side running up to tear him apart. Wet gurgles and crunches came from behind me as I stalked to the scent of the woman who held me here to begin with.

I was going to finish what was started, here and now.

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