Chapter 6: Trapping Lucifer

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We wandered around the court yard happily. Sunshine melted into my black scales heating my body from skin to bone. A smile was plastered on my face as I roamed. I hadn't even contemplated breaking out. Finally! If I keep up my good behavior then Sai will take me to the forest. She might even let me leave! I was so filled with joy I hadn't noticed that Sai had gone off.

"Sai?!"I called out, broadcasting my worried roar through the large grounds of the lab. I knew how this would go. I was going to get ropes thrown around my neck, and legs, and then be trapped in another facility worse than this one. I let out a roar as terror overthrew my body. Soon anger toppled that feeling and I knew my pupils were retracting. I sunk in to a battle ready position and waved my tail back and forth.

As small branches crunched behind me I whipped around, screeching like a raptor at whoever was there. Sai covered her head, cowering from the bushes. I froze in my place, dropping onto all fours again. I looked at my claws. The body of a killer. The claws large enough to do serious damage to most beings. Powerful muscles. Every part of me is meant to destroy.

Guilt washed over me and I let a purr to soothe her radiate from my chest. She sighed and stood up. "Should have known not to do that. I thought you could smell me but I just blend in with the lab smells."

She looked at me apologetically, walking up to me and patting my side. I stayed still. She was right. I couldn't distinguish her scent as well anymore. This stupid facility fucked up my senses. I can't think straight, can't even smell right. My mind spoke angerly and I clenched my jaw so not to worry her with my furious noises.

When my purring stopped Sai looked up at me. She gave me a worried glance that I smothered with one of my front paws. "Mmf!" She grumbled adorably clawing with her useless hands at my claws. Crush her skull. It would be so easy. Just close your paw with a bit of force. My mind spoke. I let out a gasp and backed up, fear spreading throughout my body.

"Lucifer?" She spoke, venturing nearer to me with her hands out reached.

I let out a yelp, and backed away further. She gave me a pitiful look and stayed still. I grasped my head, I thought my eyes were going wild and tearing up at the same time. I flopped to the ground like an invisible force yanked my legs out from under me. I swept my tail around and curled into an undistinguishable pile of black scales on the sun-baked concrete.

"Hey! Luci-" Her voice cut off and I heard her body drop to the ground. What the hell? I stood up, suddenly alert. I was rising from all fours. I let my call of fear ring out. Concern forming in my chest when I saw she was just gone. Not here. Like Sai was.. kidnapped. It clicked. She was kidnapped from this place.

And I'm next! It clicked in my head that I was going to be the next body knocked out and snatched from the lab. I should have been used to it. I mean I've been here for about nine months so I should be used to random transporting of my body. Though I've grown an immunity to most tranquilizers so it may take quite a lot for anyone to knock me out.

Suddenly, a net dropped onto me, a large rock hitting my head unexpectedly. The surprise made me crumple to the ground, my legs tucked neatly under me. My front paws in front of me and my tail swishing on the concrete. "LET ME OUT! I'M NOT GOING THROUGH THIS AGAIN!" I let out a furious roar, a yelp coimg from above me and to the left.

I was able to bit through some of the ropes allowing me to rip through more lattice on the rope. I kicked out my legs my sickle claws ripping through more. A loud shushing noise came from the trees and I let out a controlled, questioning snarl. As I finished doing work on the ropes I stood, my tail lashing in anticipation.

"Lucifer! Let us..." a soft female voice called. It wasn't Sai but her voice wasn't aggressive. I narrowed my eyes and stared into the trees. Loud whistling sounds whizzed passed my head, a few more landing in my back.

A booming roar came from my maw and I tried picking them out. More came flying at me and I realized they were a higher dose. They were different sedatives. And I would fall victim to the same confinement as now, just in a different place.

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