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Kuro doesn't actually start watching The episode titled War of the worlds part 1 until 6 minutes and 11 seconds

Any how, on with the story.

You are chilling. Talking to No name

NO NAME;(in your head)And that is just some secrets of the universe type shit that I got access to.


At some point you get teleported to where the trio Professor Paradox and Azmuth is.

"What happened? Where am I?"

No name clued you in to all of what has happened.

"Oh shit"

The scene goes pretty much how it does Except you are there pretty much just existing in this scene.

The small cruiser

"Oh shit"

"Do you want to say any thing to me Azmuth?"

AZMUTH;Frankley, I don't care about you or that creation on your wrist.

You just walk away.

GWEN;Did you really have to say it like that?

She asked in a scolding tone as she grabbed Kevin's ear and pulls him away.

GWEN;(puts her hand on your shoulder)Hey, you o k?

NO NAME YOU;I am right as rain. Thank you for asking.

GWEN;Oh, it's you(crossed her arms)I want to talk to (your name).

NO NAME YOU;He's not here Gwen.

PROFESSOR PARADOX;Besides, we have am army to rally(checks watch)We're behind schedule enough as it is.

So the 4 of them go and the scene goes pretty much how it does Except No name you is pretty much just existing in this scene.

A time skip

No name you really doesn't add much to the plot.

No name you is in the dramatic walking sequence.

The scene continues how it does.

No name you made her a jacket. Then starts bearing on the dn aliens.

Even used his fenominal cosmic powers to suck up the zenosights to free the people amd teleported them away to where ever they would be.

Actually, when Cannon bolt does that.

NO NAME YOU;Fine, I'll do it my self.

Changes back to his normal look and swallowed them whole amd teleported them after the zemosigjt was taken off.

Aside from the blaster cures. The episode ends how it does.

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