The reveal

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                    •Kokichi ouma's pov•
We were now in the bathroom fixing my bandages.
Was it really necessary to call me out like that? I asked maki who was bandaging my back. Yes actually to prevent you from continuing.
Whatever, I said rolling my eyes.
After we finished it had surprisingly already been time for himiko's show of talent, her magic show.
I grabbed a duffel bag one of of our jours.
We should probably weapons, maybe. I said sarcastically because they had forgotten.
Your right, shuichi nervously chuckles.
Ok,makiroll bring the random ass crossbow.
Kaito said happily.
We packed said items and headed to the gym where the magic show was being held. When we entered we noticed the decorations immediately. The room was dark very dark except for a Little bit of blue light. The stage had a table a pot and a hat, along with some red stage currents behind the stuff.
Everyone was in there except for ryoma, tenko and himiko, we assumed that that ryoma and Tenko weren't there because they would be helping.
There were pretty tiny pieces of confetti on the floor, they're was a sign at the top of the stage saying ".the best magic show". They're were tables of snacks at the back of the room. well this is colorful for a dark room.maki said.
We walked to middle of the room with everyone else, duffel bag still in hand.
That's quite kinky, what you got in there? Miu said to Kaito who was holding the bag. An assault rifle, I joked.
Miu stood silent, maki,Kaito and shuichi looked at me annoyed.
Are you planning a murder!? Miu said getting the attention of some other nearby.
I really hope your lying. K1-Bo said in response to our conversation.
This is a human conversation, I said to ki-Bo.
Then kokichi get out this conversation, Kaito said to me clearly not pleased with how I treated k1-bo.
Ki-Bo and miu looked confused and just turned back to the stage.
Idiot, I called Kaito for the reminder of the time until we heard loud drumroll please.
Himiko came from under the currents. And approached the table,microphone in hand.

She does a huge introduction and does her magic shit.
When she says that the final show will impress us the most.
The currents are opened to reveal dead ryoma in the tank,before the piranhas ate the flesh off of poor ryoma.
Everyone gasped at the sight of the second body.
The fuck...
It was a pretty gory sight and the tank had become a bright pink.
Some part of me wanted to laugh.
Himiko frighted went to get off the stage and started to tear up. It was 9:45.
We all quickly started the investigation because shuichi said the sooner the better.
They had been investigating around the tube while me and maki stayed behind.
I sat in the back of the room observing when suddenly pain spread throughout my body...
This is different.
I seem to be getting more evolved every time.
Everything they used on me stopped being so effective every time.
I sat frozen.
My head hurt a lot my horns grew in.
My skin turned an unhealthy grey.
My body stretched.
my hair fell out.
I was coughing on the ground blood coming out each time but soon it escalated to vomiting.
My facial features melted away,nothing left but my mouth, my teeth turning sharp, which is also different cause they used to just fall out.
My stomach had a giant sharp oval cut into it, with dagger like teeth.
Maki watched next to me.
she didn't even seemed to pity me because she new what was a capable of.
The lights were darker in the the corner I was in luckily.
I felt hungry again, and nothing else.
                            •maki's pov•
Once the turning finished he didn't move.
So I walked over the bag on the table and walked over to where Kaito and shuichi were checking out the corpse,. In the tank.
Well you guys it's time already, I whispered to shuichi and Kaito though the others could hear us it mattered mostly that Kokichi couldn't.
Atua is aware of this secret. Angie whispered back.
What secret? Miu said obnoxiously ruining the silence.
Your an idiot. Ki-bo said to miu.
Everyone else is whispering so it must mean something wrong. Out of nowhere the lights shut off and that huge ass demon lept from the
I luckily moved miu out the way in time, but she still received a scratch for her stupidity. I quickly removed my crossbow from the duffel  bag and tossed the bag to Kaito.
The smart ones already ran from the stage and we're making there way to the door.
I jumped of stage and shot to creature on my way down.
Me and everyone was at the door already but it wouldn't budge.
What the fuck did he do!? Kaito yelled banging at the door.
That's when I notice there were tiny vines over the door. Keeping it shut.
Well shit.
We looked behind us but couldn't see anything...
But little glowing light was in the middle of the room,reminding me of an anglerfish.
Guess he developed two new things.

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