Apologize and everything is gonna be ok💔

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                           •kokichi's pov•
I ended up in my room. To be honest I wasn't really sorry for Angie.I was thankful for Angie. I was hungry, and she stopped my pain.though it wasn't her I was after.she tasted sweet with I perfect amount of tangy flavor.the thought of it was making me drool. I heard the door open.
Hey? I said. Shuichi came and sat down next to me.
Do you remember what happened?
Shuichi asked.
A little bit. I answered. Shuichi looked like he was thinking about this.
I didn't really wanna tell him anything. Are you adapting on purpose? Sahara asked.
What? I asked, I was quite confused.
Everytime we try something new on you it always fails on the second attempt.
Saihara explained to me.
I didn't know I could do that... I said to shumai.
Truth is I was lying. I knew what was happening but I didn't want admit it,I didn't want to admit this is my fault.
Shumai took a moment to think.
"We need to do something different this time to ensure that we don't have another loss..."
As shumai said that a tiny tear formed under his eye. The tear ran down his face. I could tell he was distraught and disappointed. For some reason I found that exciting...
This time around I felt different very different, why was I thinking and reacting like this. I was never actually excited by the pain of others I just pretended,and I never wanted to hurt Angie or miu I was just hungry. something's wrong,should I tell shuichi?
"Ouma,are you okay you haven't paid attention to what I was telling you?" Shuichi asked while gently shaking me.
Yeah I'm okay... I answered.
"you know the others don't completely understand and I don't really either but I think you should apologize more properly like writing a letter or explaining your situation completely to them." Shuichi told me.
I nodded before going to look for a pencil and paper. Shuichi left the room,probably not wanting to be near a disgusting murder.
I laughed to myself, that made sense no one would want to be near me anymore not like they did before anyway...
When I found the paper and pencil I proceeded to crawl under the bed.
The apology isn't about forgiveness it's about truly being sorry,but first I have to convince my self I'm sorry. I'm still in this fucked up mind set but it has never been this bad.
Normally after turning back I'm a little delirious and not in control of my emotions but I can still feel the appropriate emotions when it comes to terrible things...but right now all I really feel is excitement,hunger,and happiness. I know I should be sorry I literally took away the life of another human being. My emotions were all over the place really, even if excitement,hunger,and happiness were the main ones I feel other emotions too but for the wrong reasons, like I'm sad but I'm only sad because I'm not acting right not because of the terrible thing I did, and I'm scared because I starting to get hungry again...

You know what I need to stop overthinking and focus on writing this letter.

"I know that this doesn't change or excuse what I have done but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for killing Angie and I'm sorry for hurting all of you and for attempting to kill miu. I have no control over what I do when that happens. I don't why that is what I did and I'm truly sorry for it. I am completely responsible for what I have caused."

I laid under the bed reading the letter over and over again. I knew I wasn't sorry at all but I want to be sorry because this not me right now. I feel different to different. Maybe it was just the real me showing it self...

⚠️ Self cannibalism ⚠️

I was sitting by the bed with the door locked as I ripped my self apart. Piece by piece. I could see bone under the skin on my forearm as I chewed the flesh I had bitten. By now both my arms and my thighs had random bite marks littered all over them. The blood leaking from each of my wounds and the blood spilling from my mouth. Each bite I took  gave me nothing but pure ecstasy. The sweet  taste in my mouth was so delicious. It tasted like a better version of  pork and beef. It was warm too.
As I took another bite of the flesh on my arm
I saw it. My bone. I could see the born through my arm... this kinda snapped me back to reality. Even though I kept chewing I started to cry. I knew I needed help this time this had gone on too long. I have been doing this for at-least 30 minutes.
I heard a knock on the door. Hey kokichi it's me and Kaito, it's almost time for lunch and you have been in the since 5 in the morning, I'm worried...

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