¥Upon arrival¥

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•shuichi's POV•

As we entered the room we saw a bunch of drawings in blood. The drawings all had different symbols making images. There was even a drawing of Angie's head rolling around the floor...

Drawings on the ceiling,walls and floor. There was blood on the walls and floors. As disgusting as the room was there was one wall almost completely empty,except for one piece of paper with random symbols forming sentences.

Not a word was spoken until we started collecting the letters from the room and bringing them with us all of us had a stack of papers,and some books we brought down to or dorm room.
I didn't think this would be so demonic,I knew kokichi was a demon but I didn't know he would be so demonic just because of it,even if it's not on purpose.
As we reach the room and put the drawings on the table we notice that is almost 10:00...
"Holy shit", Kaito said out loud. What? Kokichi asked.
"We don't know what's gonna happen it's almost 10:00." I mentioned cautiously.
"You can always chain me up with it happens." Kokichi simply stated while sitting on the bed. Kokichi chuckles and starts looking at the drawings he made.
For 3 minutes we were looking through the gruesome drawings. As the time passed kokichi slowly got more difficult, he was zoning out every 2 seconds,he kept saying random things,and slurring his words. At 10:00 he just went silent. He just leaned on Kaito half asleep. We thought this would be easier if he was just sleeping but he kept eyeing me. He was keeping an eye on my like I was prey... which is weird because he didn't look at Kaito like that. He just kept staring at me,it was so creepy. "Hey uhm Kaito?" I whispered.
Kaito turned to me and stared at me. I pointed towards kokichi. kaito noticed the way he was looking towards me. Kaito gently shakes him.
"Ouma,what wrong with you?" Kaito asked kokichi while starting to shake him rougher.
Kokichi starts snarling at him. With incredibly fast movements kokichi ends up under the bed.
I try to peek under the bed but when I do kokichi jumps at me. He pins me down to the floor are he tries to pull the muzzle off. Kaito tries to pull him off but-


Kaito's stabbed in the stomach by a tiny needle poking out of kokichi's tail. Kaito falls back and starts convulsing like he was injected with snake venom.. just then the muzzle comes off. Kokichi lunges for my face, I throw my hand up in a survival attempt to stop him. My arms crushed.


His jaws clamp around my arm. Teeth sink into my flesh as a pain spreads throughout my body. Blood splashes everywhere. Blood caking my arm and kokichi's teeth.his jaw clamps down extremely hard and he starts thrashing his head around. I can feel the flesh on my arm starting to come off. I feel my arm coming off. Kaito gets up.I can see him rise behind Kokichi. Kaito wraps his arms around kokichi's back pulling him away. I grab a piece of cloth off the ground and push It into kokichi's face.
In an instant the hold on my arm is let go. Kokichi's dragged towards the opposite side of the wall. He snarls at us and stares wide eyed. Kaito helps me out of the room and we lock the door behind us. "Are you okay, you were convulsing on the ground?" I ask Kaito. "Yeah I'm fine I found an Epi pen on the ground." Kaito answered. We sat at the first set of stairs leading to the downstairs area in the dormitory. Kaito rips off a part of his jacket and used it to bandage the bite wound. I was still confused as to why he attacked me and didn't bother to attack Kaito like he normally does...
"Alr so we need to restrain him and get the muzzle back on should we ask for help?"
Kaito' asks as he finished wrapping my wound.
"I don't want to be a bother to the others." I say as I get up. Me and kaito reproach the room. We open the door. I'm the corner kokichi sat drawing symbols with the blood left on his claws. His mouth was still caked with blood and tissue... he kept twitching and shaking. Every few second or so he would look around the room in fear. The thing that the symbols started to look like was an arm...my arm. It was a picture of  teeth sinking into an arm. As me and Kaito watched him draw symbols we were startled by his talking. He was saying absolute nonsense that didn't even sound like English. His voice distorted and deep. Me and kaito start to slowly enter the room. We jump into action as soon kokichi looks at us. But he wasn't looking at us,he was looking at the thing behind us. Kokichi starts screeching at the thing behind us. His eyes are a deep red and the scalers is black. His teeth are razor sharp and caked with blood. His horns and tail are back too. Me and Kaito start to Approach him with the muzzle and a blanket to keep him from hurting anyone. He seems to see us but is ignoring us. We start to feel a dark presence behind us. I ignore the presence because I don't want to believe there is something behind us.

Kaito pins kokichi down with the blanket as I put the muzzle on. We wrap him in the blanket like a burrito and put him on the bed. As he faces the ceiling he starts to laugh, a distorted deep laugh. The lights go out and now we are in the dark. Kaito runs to close the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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