61 | Exams

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*You guys took self-love to the next level

*Tell me your guesses about who's the unknown sender in this chapter, I'll make a surprise at the end of Octavinelle's arc

- Class 1-A -

Riddle helped Luke to study for exams, sacrificing his own study time for the angel. The teachers decided that they'll make Luke an exemption since he's a new student, but it seems Riddle won't let the angel take advantage of that...

     "Alright, pups! Pens down and pass your paper on my desk immediately!" Crewel ordered. Then everyone started to talk, "I said pass your paper, not tell answers to your classmates! One more noise and I'll give you failed grade because of cheating!" He threatened.

     Once they finished passing their test papers, "I can finally sleep later..." Luke sighed as he sat beside the troublemakers. "Hey, Luke, I heard you got a review session with the dorm leader," Ace nudged the angel, who nodded in response.

     "Luke, stop yapping behind like a Chihuahua!" The Professor called out the angel. "I'm not a Chihuahua! Don't call me that!"

     "That's all for today's periodical exams!" Crewel announced. Everyone cheered when they heard that, but Crewel whipped his table to silence them, "It's too early to celebrate! All the bad boys who'll get a failing mark will have remedial classes with me!"

     "He's into whipping the table, huh," Yuu whispered and laughed silently. "I'll gladly discipline you until you're in the right shape, pups. Be ready for my class. That's all for today, class dismissed!"

Yuu finds it odd because Deuce, Ace, and Grim are confident they'll pass this exam, unlike what happened last month's exams which they failed and he got an average. Ace teased Deuce for being a crybaby and Deuce also teased Ace for having a breakdown in their dorm after they were lectured by the dorm leader...

     "You only studied for one night, didn't you, Grim?" Yuu asked the grey cat. "I'm a genius who can take things easily, unlike you!" Grim boasted.

Deuce already went to go to his track and field club, while Ace is gonna go to play basketball until he's tired. Luke told them he'll visit (Name) in the Cooking Club, leaving the Ramshackle students to go back to their dorm...

- Cooking Club -

     "How're the exams, Luke?" The demoness asked as she made some graham balls. "Riddle helped me review and thanks to him I managed to answer all questions!"

     She chuckled, "Did you thank him?"

     Luke looked away from her gaze, "Well, no... I didn't sleep the whole night because of that..." He replied. "You should thank him, he sacrificed some of his study time for you."

Luke pouted and crossed his arms, too shy to say thank you to his dorm leader. She suggested giving Riddle the tart she has in the refrigerator as a thank-you gift and if Luke manages to say thank you, she'll give him graham balls...

- Octavinelle Dorm, Monstro Lounge -

Azul was interrogating one of his dorm mates in his dorm, scolding him for not attending his summonings. He asked why he didn't come, but the student only said he has an upset stomach for the whole day. The dorm leader of Octavinelle didn't buy it and asked again, but it's the same reason again...

     "Jade, please make him tell us the reason why he didn't come yesterday," Azul ordered. Jade bowed and chuckled, pulling the student's chin to look at him, "No need to fret. I will not do anything harmful to you... It won't hurt a bit..." He assured.

Shock the Heart.

     The Octavinelle student felt his body tingle from the sensation, "What?! What did you do to me?!" He demanded as he removed Jade's hold from his chin. Jade merely chuckled from the reaction, "Now, let me ask you again. Why are you absent the day Azul called for you?"

     "I've had enough of that evil, scheming octopus bastard! It's obvious I was lying, wasn't I?" He replied with no remorse. Then he widened his eyes, surprised that he answered what he was thinking, "No! No, why did I suddenly say that?!" He scolded himself.

     Azul looked furious, raising his glasses, "How disappointing, I'm shocked that you said I'm scheming and evil after I granted your wish like what the Sea Witch did to the Princess..." He sadly stated. The student tried to apologize, kneeling in front of Azul, "It's already too late to apologize for what you said. Floyd, come here—it's your turn."

     Floyd appeared behind Azul's couch, excited that it was his turn, "You're finally done talking~? Can I squeeze him now~?" He asked. "Yes, you're free to do whatever you want to him."

The Octavinelle student tried to escape, but Floyd was faster than him and managed to catch him. The screams of pain from Floyd's squeeze are heard within the dorm...

     "Goodness, to think we'll have useless people here that always forget the deadlines of their debt," Azul stated and crossed his arms. "If you buy for it, you pay for it. You borrowed it, you're bound to return it. Such simple logic."

     Jade nodded, "Indeed, Azul."

     "It would be nice to have decent clients this year..."

     "I'm excited to see the test results for this examination."

- Headmaster's Office -

     "... Headmaster?"

The office was empty as the demoness entered, with no sign of Crowley inside the room. *Beep* "(Name), check his cabinet," the unknown sender told her and the demoness went to the cabinets under the desk...

Dear (Name),

I'm currently kidnapped and don't mind finding me! I can assure you I'll be back after a week!

Please take my spot as Headmaster, the other teachers know this already since I've been getting kidnapped before.

Sincerely, Crowley

P.S.: I left my clothes in the wardrobe

The demoness just sighed at the Headmaster's note since she doesn't have a choice, but to trust the Headmaster and take his place. She just took the waistcoat and the jacket, she's not fond of wearing masks...

     "Headmistress (Name) or Headmistress Barbatos?" She asked herself.



(✔︎) Personal Butler | 𝙏𝙒𝙄𝙎𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝙒𝙊𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙇𝘼𝙉𝘿Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora