74 | Plans

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*Should I make Shan-Yu a love interest?

- Savanaclaw Dorm, Leona's room -

     "I understand now!" Grim exclaimed, finally managing to understand what was going on now. "Hey, Yuu, we've already figured out a way to defeat them! Let's go sneak inside Octavinelle—"

     "You guys have another problem actually," Ruggie called to the leaving Grim and Yuu. The dorm leader took the cat from the ground, stopping him, "If what Yuu-kun's guess is the situation, then the Leech Twins are probably ready to defend it. To be honest, they scream more trouble than the safe," Ruggie continued, earning worried looks from the Ramshackle residents.

     "Damn it! We were close too!" Grim whined. Yuu sighed, "If we just get rid of those twins..." He looked at Leona.

     "Don't look at me like that, herbivore. I'm not helping you out, got that? Don't want to jump in trouble because of you, plus we're talking about that octopus bastard. I'll pass," Leona went to sleep again. "I'm afraid your help is necessary," the demoness entered the room.

     "It's you again..." Leona doesn't seem to be pleased by the sight of the Headmistress. She chuckled, "Forgive me for intruding, but I must say you have no choice but to help Yuu-san. He already explained the situation, he just needs another distraction for Azul," she said.

     The lion clicked his tongue, "Ugh, no. I'm not gonna hear you out," he covered his face with a pillow. (Name) immediately went near him, removing the pillow from his face, "I must help Yuu-san in complicated times, so I'll do my best just to get you to help with our plan," she smiled.

     "This is why I don't want to get on her bad side..." Yuu whispered, watching the demoness make the lion tense from her statement. Barbatos chuckled again, "You have two choices, help Yuu-san or forfeit your dorm leader title. If you managed to deliver my plan, I'll throw a feast in Savanaclaw. For I am gracious," she bargained.

Maybe being the Headmistress of the school for a while isn't that bad at all. Leona agreed in the end, making the demoness smile in delight at his answer—she threw another threat at him just to get him to answer—with that she left the dorm...

- ??? -

He was in another dream, his soul inside Eric's body once again. The animals were singing beside him and the mermaid that turned is now a human, she was coming closer to him as if she's gonna kiss him. Not until the boat went upside down, causing his soul to remove from Eric's body, teleporting him back to the witch's den...

   "Nice work, boys!" The Sea Witch sighed in relief as she watched the ruined scene by her lackeys. "Triton's daughter will be mine and I'll make him ride. I'll see him wriggle like a worm in a hook!" She started cackling as her facial features started to change into a human.

The scene changed, the Sea Witch was holding the Mermaid's arm as they swam. She was telling the mermaid that she have another bigger fish to fry until she was stopped by someone, a merman with a trident. The presumably King attacked the contract that bounded the mermaid's conditions, which she failed to achieve...

     "Of course, I always was a girl with an eye on a bargain," she said, swimming around the King. "The daughter of the Great Sea King is a perfect commodity..."

The golden contract slowly turned the mermaid into seaweed. The King, who pitied his daughter, watched her turn slowly and the Sea Witch showed the contract the mermaid signed. Before Yuu could knew it, the King changed the sign into his...

     "It's mine," the Sea Witch laughed as she took the crown and trident from the bewitched Great Sea King.

      "So she was planning to steal everything from the start, huh..." Yuu said, watching the scene in front of him get blurry. "Why are these dreams kinda connecting everything in reality?" He asked himself.

- Courtyard, One more day before the end of Azul's contract -

Everyone was surprised that Yuu told them that they'll go to the Coral Sea no matter what. They already agreed yesterday that they won't stand a chance against the Leech Twins because of their advantage under the sea. Grim was annoyed and started to tell them the plan for them to understand...

     He coughed once he finished, "It sounds cool, yeah?" He asked his fellow first years. Ace was amazed, "Damn! I like (Name)-senpai's plans! So witty!" He whistled.

     "I must agree, the Headmistress is someone you can trust if we're talking about strategies..." Deuce agreed, amazed by the plan the demoness made for them. Jack, on the other hand, was having second thoughts and said, "Are you sure this will work? Did you even ask the Headmistress about this?"

     "What can I say? I trust her with my whole life," Yuu stated and crossed his arms. "If you don't want to participate, you're free to leave, Jack," he told the wolf.

     Deuce nodded, "I mean, we don't have a choice now. This is the last day before our chance vanishes, so we could only trust the plan," he tried to convince the wolf. Ace laughed amidst the stress, "That's the point, man! We don't have these anemones on our heads anyway, so we better do something than waiting until graduation day!"

     Jack sighed in defeat, "Fine. Nothing will happen if we just wait for a miracle," he remarked. "Your bond with the Headmistress sure is something, Yuu. I like how straightforward you both are," he complimented.

     "They can be blunter than that..." Ace whispered. "You two, stop talking! We don't want to ruin the plan!" Yuu scolded.

     "Let's go to the Atlantica Memorial Museum!!!"

- (Noon) Mirror Chamber -

*Beep* "Yuu-san and Grim have told the other first years the plan. The only thing you need to worry about is the Headmaster, Goodluck (Name)," the unknown sender told her. The party is meant to start in the afternoon, which would mean it'll start any time soon...

     "(Name)-senpai!" Ace called, waving his hand. "You seem to be going somewhere—"

     "We don't have time to chat with her!" Yuu hissed, forcing Ace to drink the potion that'll allow them to breathe underwater. "No need to be violent, Yuu!" He yelled.

     She just chuckled, "Well then, this is where we'll part ways. I bid you farewell and good luck on your side," she bowed and entered the Mirror.

They were curious about what's gonna happen to the demoness and what's the occasion behind the dress she was wearing, but before they could ask each other, they were pushed by Yuu towards the mirror to enter the Coral Sea...



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