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Me- Hey babe let's go out to eat.

Lauren- Okay.

Me-Okay get ready.

Lauren- Wait. Do I need a bra?

Me- Seriously?

Lauren- Well, where are going?

Me- What does it matter? Why would you not wear a bra?

Lauren- Well, if it's a buffet. Gotta leave room for my ribcage to expand.

Me- Put on a damn bra and lets go!

Lauren-No buffet then?

Me- Give me your phone!


We stopped at a bakery store once and Lauren got down to get some corn tortillas. I let her go in and buy them and I told her to not get more than 15 or 20 unless it was a good deal. She came back out with 30 tortillas. I asked her how much it costs. She said the tortillas were 15 for one dollar or 30 for 2 dollars. I said, "That's the same thing!".

She said, "No, 30 is more, duh."


Lauren- DAD!

Me- What now?

Lauren- I need you to go to the store right now! I need pads, hot Cheetos, and ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream!

Me- You are on your period again already?

Lauren- Oh My God dad why do you assume that!? I could just be hungry you know. You don't feed me enough. Why do you always think I am on my period!? I am not even acting like that! You are so annoying!

Me- You asked for pads.

Lauren- That's all you heard? Pads? Go get me food!


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