I've been robbed! lol

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Yesterday my sister called me and said she was reading the magazine Reader's Digest and came across something that sounded very familiar to her. She sent me a picture of a small excerpt from the magazine's "Life in these United States" section. I looked at it and sure enough it was one of Lauren's "blonde moments" from this book. How it got there I don't know. I didn't send it and it was not attributed to me. It just sourced it as coming from "Wattpad.com". 

I want to think it's a cool thing. Other people tell me it isn't cool if no one knows you wrote it or if someone else got paid (they pay 300) for it. It was just a couple of sentences. And they edited and took out Lauren's colorful language, lol. 

Just wondering if this has happened to any of you writers and what would you do about it? I, personally, just think it's cool, for now.

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