3 Cold And Numb

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Healing feathers part 3 - cold and numb

This is set in late November. Just so ya know :)


It's been about a week or so since grian had a lecture from bdubs. Honestly he's been feeling quite well, his anxiety and fear at ease. Scar is doing fantastic too, he's moving almost perfectly. Well, he was moving perfectly, but there's been an decrease in propper activity recently. Why? Well it's time. Time for the second potion.

Grian stared down his enderchest. He was informed on the recent downgrade in scars behavior and concluded scar needed his next potion. Yet now that Scar's conscious and aware, this will be quite difficult.

Someone from another point of view might even say grian was having a staring contest with the chest. Yet unfortunately for him, chests can't blink. It's an inedible loss.

Which is actually a great way to describe his feelings at the moment. A battle he's unable to win.

The hermits who are supporting Scar right now probably already brought Sacr to the shopping district to wait. They agreed to meet up there around this time. But grian hasn't opened his ender chest nor talked to scar in all this time. Now that he thinks of it he really hasn't talked to many people.

Maybe he wasn't feeling all better?

He's only talked to doc, bdubs, and mumbo a bit after the incident. He's been oblivious to anything else going on. Trapped in his world of charades.

"They are waiting."

He said aloud trying to find any bit of power in him to open that chest. His hands shook. Memory's replaying over and over.

His senses were overwhelmed with agony.

"I need to go."

The phrase left His mouth again with a different format of words. His nails digged slightly into his skin as he fisted his hands. Sweat running down his forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"I'm not a baby,"

he said, finally reaching for the ice cold chest.

"I'll face my mistakes head on."

He muttered, Lifting up the bottle in his hands. His eyes threatened to spill tears of fear, yet he ignored it.

"There's no use tearing now, what Is done is done."

His voice sounded confident yet small. Like how a forced smile will never be as effective as a real one. His wings spread far looking up. He walked slowly and sincerely through his mansion. Reaching the door of the mansion-seemingly-castle, he paused.

"I shouldn't fly. I should prepare."

He knew he wouldn't be able to fly once this was all over. He figured he's done with excuses and he'll get used to walking. It was a cold yet sunny day, the clouds nowhere in sight. A clear crystal blue ball shining down on his Stepping feet. It was sad to say the sky was clearer than his clouded heart. It was a long walk, it would've been smarter to use the nether to travel. Can you really blame him though, it was just an on the spot idea. Yet winter was approaching, the air was cold and thin. By the time he had reached the shopping district, his skin was pale and his lips tinted blue. He acted strong, like this didn't even bother him, yet it did. It hurts like a million anvils falling on you at once.

His skin was burning from the cold, he longed for warmth but refused to express it. He saw a few hermits in the middle of the shopping district, covered in warm attire. It was pearl and iskall. At some point of his walk the air must have gotten so cold it decided to snow. With a thin layer on the floor, the flakes of cold snow began to Shiver down more noticeably.

He opened his mouth but it refused to speak. He knew he was weak from the cold, yet he attempted again.

"S-sorry I took so long."

He stuttered on his first word. Pearl and Iskall's heads snapped over in impressive speeds. They ran over with pure concern in their honest eyes.

"It's been two hours since we said we'd meet! Where were you???"

Pearl said concernedly. Her gentle hands touched Grian's cheeks when she was looking for injuries.

"God! Grian! You're freezing!"

Pearl shouted, flinching back from the coldness on his skin.

"I'm not that cold, and I have the potion. Where's Scar?"

Grian said on the tip of his tongue. He held up the potion clearly shivering yet he didn't make a peep. Iskall reached for Grians Hands, jumping from the cold. Yet instead of talking like peral did, he gave a concerned look and held them again. He started to slowly walk with grians ice cold hand, with pearl following behind. They both looked scared and worried, tho grian couldn't see this. His eyes were dusted over with clouds.

A pure white cover hovering all over his vision. From this, a headache awakened. His eyes closed and his mind was blank. He felt heavy on the shoulders and his legs burned from the snow, the walking, or both. He didn't know at this point.

His heart was threatening to stop. What is this? Why is he feeling this way?.. it's not just physical. It was never just physical. More than half the weight is on him from his own mind. He knew it was getting chilly enough for snow. Yet he decided to walk when he's not used to it, in the overworld too! Dumb. Utterly dumb.

He was walking and could barely feel his hand being held. He had no clue where he was walking, and the wind picked up. Snowy days like these were VERY uncommon in the hermitcraft server. Some people didn't even know they could happen.

Suddenly a warmth spread quickly on his whole body, and his mind shaped back to reality. He was led into one of the warmer, more secure shops where scar and the rest were.

His vision slowly came back and he could see everyone there. Iskall, pearl, scar, xisuma, and impulse.

'What an odd batch of people,'

he thought, biting his tongue.

"Grian! Are you alright? I forgot to inform you of the snow storm."

Xisuma said as soon as he noticed his presence. Scar was sitting by a wall with impulse sitting next to him, just staring at them all. Xisuma was sitting down as well till he went over to grian like the concerned father he is. Pearl walked up to xisuma and whispered. Grian couldn't bother to care, his mind was set on the potion and scar. He hesitated, then walked over to where scar sat. He expected him to yell or maybe even hit him. Kinda like his old friends would. (Yhs flashback haha) but scar sat there, looked at him, and smiled.

"Hey gri! Been awhile. Is that the potion?"

He said pointing to the purple potion in grians cold hands. Grian nodded, unable to speak at the moment. Scar got up like there was no conflict between them, and grabbed the potion.

"I heard it's made out of your feathers! Does it taste bad then?"

He asked, inspecting it jokingly. Grian just shrugged, not very reactive to scars jokes. Scar definitely had a small frown for a split second, yet Grian chose to ignore it. Scar jugged down the bottle quickly, coughing slightly after.

"Are you good?" Impulse asked standing next to the coughing man.

"Yeah- yeah I am.." Scar replied with a cough interrupting.

"You sure, any way we can help?" Pearl asked from the background of the situation.

"Yeah. Though let me tell you, it does NOT taste good." Scar said, patting on his chest.

"Anyway thanks grian. I heard you were feeling guilty from all this, don't. I'm just glad you're helping me!"

He said smiling right at grian confidently.

"That's not the problem anymore.." Grian practically whispered, but it was loud enough for Scar to hear.

"Then what is?" Scar had a confused face when saying this. I mean who wouldn't be slightly confused?

"I'm not sure.. I just feel blank." He said emotionlessly.

Cliff hanger

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