6 Hawkeye

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Scar can only go backwards.

The group would ask him to just do the opposite of what he does to go backwards, but knowing grian, it's more complicated than that. Tho If they did try that, they'd most likely blow up.

"You know.. you could have told us this before we went back in time!" Pearl said, annoyed.

"Well, I wanted to test it but if I did I'd be stuck in the past.. so I figured being stuck in the past with others would be better!" Scar said nervously. The two wanted to strangle Scar, but it wouldn't help the situation much.

"Just go do something useful, well I think." Xisuma said signing like a disappointed father.

Xisuma observed the vast land standing in front of them all, it was a plains biome glazed with green grass. It stretched far and wide, till it touched impressive mountains for the version they were in.

"what a pretty place.'' Pearl mumbled next to xisuma, for she was looking as well.

"Whichever sever this is, they definitely got lucky to get a place like this." xisuma said, responding to her mumbling.

"I wonder if whichever server this is still exists in our current days?" Pearl said curiously, looking over to xisuma.

Admins can go to any server with or without invitation, they can see information and codes normal people can't, but they don't because when they become admins rules are set. Not everyone can be an admin either, nor does anyone really know how it works.

"I should be able to check some information on this server, we didn't mean to get here in the first place." xisuma said, using his admin magic to pull out codes only he and other admins could see.

"So? Where are we?" scar asked from behind them, he was collecting materials well they were talking. Xisuma swiped fast in the air, seemingly reading stuff.

"Hm I dont think this server was on long, so if it's in our current days it most likely isn't popular." xisuma said, continuing to swipe as he spoke.

"What's the name?" Pearl asked.

"HappyTime." xisuma responded quickly.

"Yeah, never heard of it." Pearl said, thinking.

Well they were all thinking, they all needed a way home somehow. Scar was behind the younger two, collecting wood from lonely trees for whatever they might need.

Xisuma was swiping his finger through the air, doing what normal people cannot see. And pearl was thinking, long and hard, focused on only her mind.

"Can you see if anyone else is here?" Pearl asked, proud of the sudden idea. If they know who is here, maybe they can get out of here.

"I can check how many people are here, but that's about all I'm allowed to do." xisuma said, now looking for that information.

"Six people are here at the moment other than us." xisuma said.

"I see.. How much are you allowed to find on those people? You must be able to do a little more?" Pearl asked, partly desperate.

In the end, they all are a little bit worried, what if they never can go home?

"I'll see." is all xisuma responds with.

It was a short and simple response but it gifted silence between the three for many minutes.

"Huh..?" Xisuma questioned under his breath, but it was loud enough for Pearl to hear.

"What? What is it? Find something?" Pearl asked, looking over to the older man. "It seems... four of them aren't supposed to be here. Like an admin disrespected the rules of our kind, and forced them and their friends in." Xisuma said.

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