8 Forgotten knowledge

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The sun rose over the vast lands of the unfamiliar world. The mountains and even the plains set in harmony with the slightly flowing wind. The temperature is perfect to be outside in, with the wild life making sweet noises all around. This would be amazing to wake up too but the hermits here weren't enjoying it too much.

Pearl got little to no sleep since she panicked over everything the whole night. Which obviously affected xisuma's sleep since he woke up in panic every time she panicked. So now he's just looking at the bright sun, in the uncomfortable bed, listening to scar snore.

Neither Pearl nor Xisuma knew Scar snored before now, and let me tell you, it was a rude awakening. Literally. It was so loud that xisuma was tempted to flip over his bed in the middle of the night to wake him up.

But he didn't, since he still has some self-control left. The fact that it was loud, though, could be because of the right space they are in.

It's just a little hut with no roof or floor, only big enough for three beds. The builders were a little ashamed of this monstrosity.

"Are we getting up now? We should probably get moving." Pearl asked, now really wanting to move herself.

All of them have gone many sleepless nights before, but this was just annoying and more tiring than anything.

"Wake up, Scar, then we can go," Xisuma said tiredly.

Pearl just groaned in response. Scar is the only one out of the three that got good sleep since he slept through literally everything. Knowing him, he was probably dreaming about his beloved Disney world.

They waited a few more minutes in silence, other than Scars occasional snoring, till Xisuma sighed and got up.

"The amount of times I've sighed in this book is ridiculous, I swear." Xisuma mumbled under his breath. "What?" Pearl asked, confused. "Nothing. Let's go now, I'll wake up Scar." Xisuma said, walking over to Sacr.

Pearl just nodded and started to collect reusable materials from the house in an attempt to be helpful. Xisuma tapped scars shoulders to try and wake him. The results showed nothing. Then he shook him, nothing. He even tried spilling water, nothing.

"Is he really this deep of a sleeper?" Pearl asked, walking over.

"No, not really, it's just.." Xisuma looked away without finishing his sentence. Pearl just gave a look of confusion in response to Xisuma's unusual actions.

"Ugh. Fine.. you win scar." Xisuma mumbled, now looking at Scar.

Although Pearl couldn't see completely through Xisuma's helmet, she could tell he looked a little.. embarrassed?.. "what.. What has scar won?" Pearl asked, now very confused. Xisuma's next action was very, very unexpected.

"Meow." Xisuma said, as high-pitched as he could. Next thing ya know, Pearl is laughing on the floor and scar.. got up.

"Ohh, jelly? Is it morning already? Wait a second.. Oh, hello, Xisuma! Pearl!" Scar said happily, like the meow was normal.

"Does he only wake up to that?" Pearl said, still laughing.

"Yes.. sadly." Xisuma said.

"Alright.. let's go now." Xisuma said, walking out of the destroyed house. Pearl and Sacr made sure to pick up the beds on their way out.

"Can you use your admin powers to see where the two winged people are?" Pearl asked xisuma. "No." Xisuma responded quickly. "Then how are we supposed to find them? We might even have to sleep another night in another little hut house.." Pearl winned.

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