7 Immoral

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Sorry, I hadn't undated in so long, lol


Ok. Now what?

That's what the three hermitcrafters were thinking as they stared intensely at the last survivor.

"Scar." Xisuma said, not breaking his view of the traumatized survivor.

"Yess?.." Scar questioned, already knowing why xisuma had a slight anger in his voice. "Why did you kill them? Come on, they did bad, but they didn't need to die!" Xisuma complained.

It's not like he actually cared about them. In fact, he'd prefer them dead. Stupid rule breakers. Anyway, the thing is, now this last guy is a mess! All he's doing is crying and begging to be let go.

"I feel a bit evil from this." Pearl said, making the fact that she doesn't want to be here clear.

"Whatever, we can't fix this now." Xisuma sighed.

"Actually, if we use the time machine, we -" Scar was about to suggest a stupid plan but was interrupted.

"No. No more messing with that for now." Xisuma said with no hesitation. Scar just looked away guilty and nodded.

"What do we do with him?" Pearl questioned. "We will question him, of course." Xisuma said, looking into the crying man's soul.

They have him tied up in vines and leaves, which he could easily escape from, but he wouldn't dare. After seeing how psycho these people are, who would dare? All his friends just died from them.. which I'm sure some people would feel bad about, but those three don't even seem to bat an eye. Like I said, psychos.

"W-what do you want to know!?" The man said panicky.

"Hmm, one of you mentioned, 'the hunt.' may I know what that is?" Xisuma asked in a polite way, but it was too demanding to be polite. It wasn't a suggestion for him to tell Xisuma. It was a tell-me-or-die type thing.

"The hunt? You don't know what the hunt is??" The man asked, now just confused. "Well, yeah.. Why do you think we are asking if we already know?" Scar butted in.

"Um.. I thought everyone knew about the hunt." The man said slowly. "Well, apparently not. So why don't you enlighten us on it?" Xisuma said, threatening the man with just the tone of his voice. It's been a long day for him. He seriously isn't going to waste his time with idiotic behavior right now.

"It's where you hunt down, winged people and kill them for their potions! They make amazing potions, everyone knows! Their blood and feathers, yet they refuse to give it up. So that's the hunt. We just hunt them down and kill them. Fun, right?" The man said, acting like that's normal.

I take back my statement from earlier, Xisuma is not the psycho nor is Scar. This man is the real psycho. No, everyone involved in the hunt is.

The three stared in shock. All eyes wide open, and faces filled with disgust for what they've just heard. Why would anyone do that? None of them could imagine killing their winged friend just for a better potion. Who in their right mind would even come up with that?

"What the hell?" Pearl asked, with a loss of words.

"What. If you saw how great those potions are, you'd kill for them too! And it's not even that bad. Those winged people aren't even people. It's just like killing chickens for foo -" He was cut off, literally.

His life span was cut off by Scar.

Scar stabbed him in a vital area with xisuma's sword before he could say anymore.
"Scar, you're acting immorally." Xisuma said, still unfazed to the death.
"I didn't like the thought of grian as a chicken." Scar mumbled, annoyed.
Although we all know grian has been a chicken before. Cough cough poultry man cough cough.

Anyway- pearl just watched without a word. She didn't particularly support all this brutal killing, but she didn't want to argue against it either. I guess everyone in the hermitcraft server are a little psycho in their own ways.

Yet now, all three of them were clueless on what to do next. "What about we go check in on those two who were running away?" Scar suggested. "No, we can't. That may interfere with the future." Xisuma said, using his admin magic to look at who knows what.

Scar and pearl, on the other hand, just gave him a glare.

"Oh yeah, that makes sense. But no way will that happen with this mass murder, right?" Pearl asked sarcastically.

In response, Xisuma just gave a cold long sigh and decided to just go with it. Even if a rip in time and space happens and the world ends, it wouldn't honestly be that bad. After all, Xisuma could really use a nap right about now. He gave a nod of okay and started to walk towards the place the two victims ran. Scar and pearl follow behind without a word since they were too busy observing their surroundings.

It really was a beautiful server they were in. Although it had a lack of buildings, nature itself was just so eye-catching. How could this not have been a popular server? It's awesome looking! Scar would have loved to transform the already amazing landscape, and Pearl had so many things she'd love to do as well.

"Hey Xisuma? Can you save the seed of this world?" Pearl asked, tapping Xisuma's shoulders to get his attention.

"Oh sure. One second." Xisuma said, pulling up his little invisible admin thingy. Pearl and Scar can't help but be so intrigued watching him do stuff they could never dream of.

"Hmm, it seems I can't." Xisuma said, stopping his magic. "Why not?" Pearl asked curiously.

"Because it's locked. The admin for this server must be pretty high ranked in admin powers. Though I did hear back in the days they were stronger than us nowadays." Xisuma said, a little upset at the last part. "Though that might be an absolutely terrible rumor, since that last admin back there that I fought was weak as an ant." Xisuma said, laughing a little bit proudly.

"Um, not to ruin the mood or anything, but we've been walking for a few hours.. where are we?" Scar suddenly asked.

"We what? Wait, what?" Xisuma asked, very confused.

"No way, it's only been like ten seconds -" He stopped in the middle of his sentence. Why? Because it's night. He could have sworn it was day just a second ago.

"Let's build a quick shelter and sleep for now. We will figure out where we are tomorrow." Xisuma said, must I say it again, so done with this day.

"Okay." Scar and Pearl said, quickly helping Xisuma set it up.


Fun fun

Words: 1126

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