4 Time Travel

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Healing feathers part 4

Time travel

And yes I know pearl wasn't added to hermitcraft till season 8. I just really like her so I'm COMPLETELY ignoring that fact. Hense, it's an AU I can do whatever I want.

Also don't mind the art on this one, it has nothing to do with the story.


"Blank?" Scar asked very unsure of what grian might of ment.

"Yeah. Blank." Grian responded rather.. blank?..

Xisuma's brows forwarded. although no one could tell under his shiny, Cold, helmet.
The snow fell heavily as they all stood there in silence. No one had a word to say, or perhaps they just didn't know what to say. No one could tell what was going on in each other's heads. No one dared to move as well. Blank. What could that mean? They all questioned silently. Is it a big problem? Maybe grian is being dramatic? Did the cold get to his head? Maybe he's just tired? Can someone really be.. blank?

Questions swirled through everyone's heads before one certain admin decided to break the ever so loud silence.

"Grian you.. you're a winged person.. so maybe losing your feathers is... is having an effect on you."

Xisuma said slowly and concernedly.


grian tried to reply, but was at a loss of words.

"Didn't doc know something about your kind?" Iskall budded in. "That's right! When the incident first happened, Doc acted like he knew what you were doing before the rest of us!" Pearl added on trying to piece everything together. "He does know a bit.. but so does scar." As Grian said those words everyone's heads snapped back at scar and him, staring intensely.

"I uh yeah.. area 77 right?"

Scar said, rubbing the back of his head nervously. Grian just simply nodded.

"Yeah I think we had a good amount of details on winged people! I just uh don't remember them.." Scar Said shifting down a bit. "How do we get those details back? Does Doc remember any?" Impulse asked, confused. "I doubt Doc would remember any much more than me.." Scar said, with his head now overwhelmed.

"We could ask." Pearl said, well expressing concern for both her American and British friends.

"The snow storm should die down in about forty-two minutes." Xisuma said, looking down at his communicator.

"If that's the case let's just get warmer attire for grian over here." Pearl said, still remembering how cold grian was. "He can have my scarf." Iskall said, throwing it over to grian. "Here's the extra jacket I always keep in my helmet." Xisuma said casually. "You're..what?" Grian questioned. "Plot convinces." Xisuma said quickly. "Alrighty.. anyway.. for now let's think." Pearl said, changing the subject.

Around forty-five minutes later the snow calmed and the wind softed. The floor was covered with a thick layer of white powder. The group standed shivering. "I think we can go now." Impulse said, looking outside. They all prepared their elytras and rockets, well all except, grian.. "What about grian?" Scar questioned. A silence fell upon the room again. But Scar didn't let it stay too long this time. "What about one of us carrying him? Would that work?" Scar questioned once again with a suggestion.

"I could. I have experience with carrying people when I'm flying."

Xisuma said casually, surprising them all once again.

"Let me guess.. Plot convinces?.."

Pearl asked, questioning whether Xisuma was really human or not at this point.

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