5 Opps

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Time is a complicated subject for all. Time travel is seemingly impossible most of the time...

well unless you know grian.

Although none of them do know the exact coordinates, area 77 is big enough that a gist is good enough. When they arrived they were quite conflicted, it was hard to find anything to be honest. It would have been useful if doc came with them.

"This might take awhile." Pearl complained well trying to figure out where files about wings would be kept.

"Shouldn't we have covered up the machine? What if one of the hermits recognized it?" scar asked, letting his anxiety get to him.

"None of them will, our timeline grian definitely changed it quite a bit. Only one who might recognize it is grian, but he'll probably stay away from it."

xisuma said easing scars worries.

"Ah ha! Found them!" Pearl yelled, after staring at the map for forever.

Scars and xisuma's heads turned hastily in curiosity. "It would be right here!" Pearl said, pointing at the map. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" scar said, impatiently. "Why is he worrying so much?" Pearl asked xisuma, with Scar ahead of them. " I'm not sure." xisuma responded, wondering himself.

Once they arrived at the place, it was quite messy. "Scar you were probably the organizer i'm guessing.." pearl said, cringing a tad at the mess.

"Let's start searching." xisuma said walking to the closest chest. Pearl and scar got straight to searching as well.

About 20 minutes later, they found 2 files on winged people.

"One is called reactions and the other is called qualities and info." Pearl said, holding them up to her face.

"Alright" pearl said, now opening qualities and info.

"Lets see.." she muttered out, flipping page by page. A moment of silence was held in the room, letting the brown haired girl read in peace.

"They tested on a speed feather first." Pearl said, reading out any important information.

"The feathers seem to come from very far away, they only had five to test on. Three speed feathers and two healing feathers." Pearl continued on reading important information.

"When they tested on the speed feathers, overtime they became gray and dull, and the potion samples got weaker." Pearl spoke quieter, interested herself.

"But the healing feathers produced perfect potion samples every time, but they seemed sadder as they went on somehow. At first they were beautiful and full of life, that impression came from one single feather. Yet as they began to test, they somehow seemed lifeless, sad, and just blank." Pearl said slowly and quietly, but loud enough for the two boys to hear.

"Kinda like grian.." scar mumbled under his breath.

"How could they test potions if they only had two feathers?" xisuma asked curiously.

"Oh? We made potion samples rather than full potions. It didn't have its full potential effect, but it allowed us to test the feathers more." Scar answered.

"Oh.. well does it say how to stop the sad effect on the feathers?" xisuma asked.

"No. no it doesn't..." pearl said sorrowly.

All the three wanted was to help their blonde friend. Why was it looking so impossible then? Why was it all so seemingly hopeless?

"We should head back to our own timeline. We can figure something out there." xisuma said, obviously upset as well.

He walked away from the other two, trying to act strong. Yet in reality he was so worried he could swear the world around him was shaking. His legs felt like jelly rolling down a hill, and his head was working up a storm of questions.

"Hey it will be ok." Pearl said from behind him, she had followed him out but just now spoke her words. "Worrying like this won't help. We will work this out somehow, ok?" Pearl said, concerned for the older man.

Scar soon walked out a minute later, ready to go. "Let's go. Everything is placed where it's supposed to be." scar said, walking to them. The other two just nodded and headed back to the time machine.

Once they were back, they noticed a certain someone lingering around it.

"Is that?.. No.. Grian!" Pearl said, shouting at the last part.

The three ran over to the small hermit who just couldn't stay away.

"Grian what are you doing.. We said, ''Stay away." scar asked nervously.

"Is this perhaps a time machine?" the past grian asked, back turned to the three. "Yeah. it is. Can you go now?" Pearl asked, sounding a bit demanding and scary.

"Mm... I guess I made it huh?" Grian asked, ignoring pearls demand.

"Yeah. You're quite good with time travel." Scar said, trying to ease his tone of voice.

It's not like past grian would do anything, and no rips in the universe had happened, everything seems fine.

"Could this be about my wings? Did someone get hurt?" Grian asked, finally turning to the others.

"How-" Scar was about to ask but xisuma stopped him. "It's better you don't know. You know the dangers of time travel and interference." Xisuma said in a cold voice.

They all knew it. They shouldn't be talking to grian right now anyway. Doc would have stopped them long ago if he were here. Grian giggled a bit, leaving the three hermits in slight shock.

"Ya know.. if I can still do time travel in the future, maybe one day I can do something bigger! Like I don't know, make a rift through time and space that can transport people to a whole new server all together! That's a good idea! Maybe I'll do that in season ten or nine.. oh anyway! I'll let you all get back to it. Have fun!" Grian said, running off with his childish smile.

"Well that was unexpected.." Pearl said, watching him leave.

"Anyway, we have got to go back. Come on." Xisuma said coldly.

Though deep inside that little conversation lifted his spirits as well. Grian just always can make the hermits smile. So that's what the hermits shall do for him, they'll make him smile again! Oh but wait.. I forgot.. Nothing ever comes easily. The time machine made its noises and swooshed till it all exploded.

"We must be back!" Scar said, impatiently running out.

Just to see something rather unexpected. "Where are we? This isn't hermitcraft?" Scar asked, stopping in his tracks.

"Scar! You went back in time again! Very far, before hermitcraft even existed. Meaning we are on the server here before hermitcraft." Xisuma said like a disappointed dad. "Oh. Well, let's try again." Pearl said signing as well.

"Oh well um." Scar stumbled over his words.

"Scar.. what is it?" Xisuma said, glaring over at him.

"Well you see.. I only know how to go back in time, not forwards."

Scar said worryingly.

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