Chapter 15

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I'm digging through my closet trying to find my favorite shirt, "I know I packed it when I left, so where the hell is my steel rain shirt?"

I just sigh and grab my faded SAMURAI shirt before I walk away from my closet and shake my head, guess I thought I packed it and didn't so I'll just call Sera later and see if she can bring it when she gets a chance... actually I might just go and get it so she doesn't faint again.

A knock then comes from my door, "Y/N, darling, do you have a minute?"

I walk over to the door after putting on the shirt and then opening the door, "What's up, Eve?"

"I need to talk with you in private." Eve says and I move aside letting her in before she notices my shirt, "When'd you get that?"

"I've had it for two years but let's focus on what you wanted to talk about." I say as she walks to my bed and sits on the end of it.

"It's about Ahri. It's coming around that time of the year again and-" Eve was saying before I nod my head, "How do you know?"

"You could say Akali gave me a little bit of a warning." I say walking towards her before the woman who was just mentioned walks by my door and loudly yawns.

"Now that we have Ahri's "problem" out of the way, I want to talk to you about that night I found you." She says before sighing, "Since I have the time and no one will interrupt us this time."

"Go ahead." I say sitting next to her, "Don't tell me you had this whole thing planned out yourself."

"If I could see into the future you wouldn't be here." She says before laying her head on my shoulder, "See, I wanted the best person who could deal with Don Bruno's son, Erik, since he had some blackmail against me and everyone I asked told me to get in touch with your fixer."

"So you know my mercenary persona." I say and she nods.

"So I called her and set up the contract, she didn't mention who you were but that you were the best." She says and I sigh, "Then I was on my way to meet with one of my friends when I saw you roll into the ditch not knowing that it was you at that time."

I process what she just told me and she sighs after a minute.

"You don't want to talk to me, do you?" She asks and I shake my head, "Really?"

"It's just a lot to process." I say and she stands up, "See you in a few?"

"Yeah." She quietly says before walking toward the bedroom door and leaving.

I look at the weapons on my wall and then get up to look at myself in the mirror, "You can only run for so long, Y/N... you can only run for so long."

I shake my head at my own words before walking away from the mirror and to the door.

"Sup." Akali asks walking by me after I open the door, "You ok?"

"Yeah... I'm fine." I say before having to immediately lean on the wall for support since it feels like I've been stabbed in my leg, "Shit."

"Eve!" Akali yells before Eve appears and Kai'sa runs up the stairs, "We need to get him help."

"Clearly." Eve says before picking me up, "We're taking the Superbird."

"I guess I'll meet you two at the hospital then." Akali says running towards her room, "Be careful."

"Sure." Eve says before she starts running with me.

I start coughing and my skin feels like it's on fire. My throat is burning too and I weakly lift my arm before looking at it and seeing that my s/c skin is turning pale.

"You don't think-" Kai'sa starts asking before Eve shakes her head and my vision starts blurring, "But there's something glowing on his thigh."

"No, there's-" Eve was saying before I pass out.

Third POV

"Eve!" Kai'sa yells before the elevator doors open.

"My foot is going through the floor once we get in the car. I'm going to sound like Akali, traffic laws be damned today." Evelynn says as Kai'sa quickly pushes the button for the garage, "Just keep fighting, Y/N."

Akali's POV

I grab my keys from my shorts pocket before Ahri stops me in the hallway, "I don't have time for games, Ahri."

"Where'd Y/N go? He wasn't in his room and I wanted to talk to him." She says before I move her aside, "Where'd he go Akali?"

"Don't know. Eve didn't say but he looked like death." I say slightly lying as I keep walking and grabbing my helmet off the bar counter, "But we'll be back later, Ahri."

I close the front door behind me and run to the elevator, I saw that look in her eyes and that shirt she was wearing wasn't hers. She's entering the early stages of her heat sooner than we expected but maybe we can get another month or two before she the enters "batshit insane" stage of her heat... I had to shake the image of that poor, poor guy out of my head.

Hey y'all, so I was debating on publishing this chapter today or not but since today's been a real rough one I figured I'd just go ahead and publish it.

Here's looking to the next one and I'll see y'all there.

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