Chapter 71

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"You asked me out." Akali says and I'm left dumbfounded still staring into the toilet.

"I did?" I ask after pulling away from the toilet, "That doesn't seem like something I'd say."

"I mean you technically did." She says and I think about it before getting the urge to puke again, "Water and some crackers?"

"If you don't mi-" I say and quickly turn back to the toilet.

Third POV

"They sound... rough." Ahri says plopping down on the couch.

"Rough is an understatement." Akali says walking through the living room, "Tryndamere sounds like he's dying and Y/N-"

"Is he ok?" Kai'sa asks as Akali enters the kitchen.

"Don't get me wrong but why are you suddenly concerned about Y/N?" Akali asks opening the fridge and grabbing a water for her.

"I mean he is one of our best bodyguards." Kai'sa says while Akali looks around for another bottle of water.

"You make it sound like you're falling in love with him." Akali says still looking and Kai'sa slowly turns around with a skillet, "You're awfully quiet over there, Kai."


"You were a beast last night!" Ekko yells from the background and I groan, "My bad."

"Back to what you said earlier, she's not wrong but I don't remember you asking her out." Yasuo says before sighing, "I mean you could could have while she was driving you home but while you two were with us you never did."

"I guess there's some comfort in that," I say sliding the nightstand drawer open, "I'll see you guys around."

"Be safe, Y/N." Yasuo says before hanging up.

I grab the pills my dad gave me, I swirl them around in the bottle before tossing them back into the drawer, "They give me strength and a small dose of an ability but they also make me a puppet of sorts and a bit... crazy."

I'm broken out of my mind thoughts by someone, Akali I assume, opening my door, "Welcome back, Kali."

"She's busy right now," Kai'sa says walking in with a plate of food, "she said what condition you're in so I thought I'd help out."

"Thanks, Kai." I say before she sits the plate on the nightstand next to me.

"Did something fall before I came in?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders, "I thought I heard a noise."

"Must've been the wind." I say and she thinks about it for a second.

"Guess so." She says and walks to the door before stopping in the doorway, "Are you busy tomorrow?"

"Not that I know of." I say closing the nightstand drawer, "Why?"

"I was wanting to do some shopping." She says and I nod my head, "See you tomorrow morning."

She closes the door and then what she said finally hits me, "Morning?!"

Third POV

"What the hell happened to my bar?" Jinx calmly asks looking at the building.

"Seeing as you were indisposed and no one could take it over we decided to sell the building to the highest bidder." A man says holding a briefcase, "It's just business."

"That was my dad's bar!" Jinx yells and the man starts walking away.

With that, Jinx walks to her car, getting inside and then pulling her phone out of her pocket.


*... It's been a long time comin'
And the table's turned around
'Cause one of us is goin'
One of us is going down
I'm not runnin'
It's a little different now
'Cause one of us is goin'
One of us is going down-*

"How'd you get this number?" I ask after answering my other phone.

"I need something taken care of as soon as you can do it." Jinx says and I sigh, "They stole my bar from me."

"Jinx, I'd help but right now I've got a lot going on." I say putting the empty glass on the top of nightstand, "I don't even know who these people are."

"I'll pay you anything," She says frustrated, "I know it's not your kind of style but I just need your help this one time."

"Just tell me the name of the guy and I'll handle the rest." I say pinching my finger.

"It's not a guy but a company, Kingdom Come Realty." She says, "Thanks."

I hang up and start to look up this company before calling someone I know, "Haven't called in a while."

"I need some information around the docks." I say and I know she's grinning.

"You know that kind of information doesn't come cheap." She says and I sigh, "What's the place?"

"Kingdom Come Realty." I say and she hums.

"Security is what you're used to dealing with." She says and I write it down, "Interior security is a different kind of beast itself."

I pause my writing, "How do you know that?"

"Past contract," She says before letting out a laugh, "that's where you're main target is going to be though, surrounded by all that security."

"I can get around them." I say looking back down at my notes, "What about the layout?"

"You got time for a lecture?" She asks and I laugh, "Better get comfortable then, Revenant."

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