Chapter 36

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I tiredly open my eyes and notice the white hair across my face before the realization of who's in here with me wakes me up and I sit up, "Don't panic, you're cousin's snake of a wife is right next to you... oh who am I kidding, it's the perfect time to panic!"

"Lay back down, you're letting the warmth out." Ashe groans as she turns over, "Don't get any ideas either."

"Wasn't planning anything." I say laying back down, "This doesn't feel right to me either way."

"Just shut up and go back to sleep." She says turning her back to me.

"Whatever, I'll just lay here... staring... at... the..." I was thinking to myself before I drift off back asleep.

"Who's your friend, Rakan?" The black haired vataya girl asks Rakan, "And what exactly-"

"Don't try to dig into his personal life through me, just know he's had a rough day." Rakan says before downing his shot, "Wouldn't be my place to tell you anyways."

"Y/N." I say causing the two of them to look at me, "She wanted to know who I was."

"Ok, smartass." Rakan says before laughing, "I'm sure she doesn't need any introduction since you probably know who she is."

"Not a clue, you know I don't keep up with the populars besides-" I was saying before Rakan abruptly cuts me off and stands up, "Rakan?"

"I need to talk to you alone, Y/N." He says so I shrug before standing up.

"Lead the way." I say before he starts walking and I follow after him.

We walk outside on the patio of the restaurant before Rakan stops and leans on the railing, "You really don't know who she is?"

"Not a single clue." I say leaning on the railing next to him before I pull out a lighter and cigar.

"You know that shit isn't good for you." He says before I take a drag of the cigar and exhale it, "She's one of Evelynn's friends."

"Firstly, this is the last time I'm smoking. Secondly, why is she here then?" I ask and he remains quiet, "Rakan..."

"She wanted to see you. Don't ask me why but from what I've heard is that once she sets her eyes on you she won't stop until you're her's." He says as I extinguish the cigar, "I just wanted to let you know that."

"Thanks I guess." I say pushing myself up from the rail, "Hopefully she hasn't drank too much while we've been out here."

"I doubt that." He says after pushing himself up, "After you, amigo."

I wake up again and find myself alone this time but that dream... there's no way that Ahri is my boss Ahri, what're the odds of that happening anyway?

"Psst, Y/N, my friend." A masculine voice whispers to me, "I need you to come with me and make it quick."

"Braum?" I tiredly ask before he pulls me out of the tent, thankfully I never took my jacket or clothes off, "What the hell?"

"You've got big trouble back in Piltover and Zaun, my friend." He says as we quickly walk through the encampment, "I never actually knew about your past until, well, the girls sent me the video from the news."

"The news? What the hell's going on?" I tiredly whisper as we walk past the sentries, "Braum?"

"You're a very, very wanted man. I've got a place no one, not even the girls, knows about where you can stay." He says before stopping and turning around to look at me, "Tryndamere, Seraphine and you are the only ones who know where it is. Stay there as long as you like, my friend."

"Thanks, Braum." I say before he reaches into his pocket for something.

"Here," He says before bringing his hand back out of his pockets and tossing some keys to me, "Keep going north until you get to a ravine, once you reach the ravine go west until you get to the mountain ranges and once you reach there you'll have made it."

"Thanks again, Braum." I say just as bells start ringing, "That's not good."

"I'll hold them off as long as I can," He says grabbing his shield, "it was an honor to know you for this short time, my friend."

"Likewise, Braum." I say grabbing his forearm, "I'll see you in the next life."

With that said he nods his head before pushing me away from him and I start to run with looking back, "Come and test my might!"

I briefly stop and look back as I see waves of warriors going up against Braum in the small gap of the mountain pass I was running through. I turn back around and start running again without looking back even after Braum yells out in pain and it echoes off the sides of the mountain, "Just keep running, don't let his sacrifice be in vain."

???'s POV

A man slides me a wanted poster and I just look at it, "What a neat poster."

"You know this guy, right?" He asks and I nod, "Well here's an opportunity to earn some coins, they want him alive though."

"Nothing personal, Y/N," I mumble taking the wanted poster, "it's just business."

"Law can't catch him themselves so they give it to the bounty hunters." He says before grinning, "Best of luck to you, Fortune."

A double update? What's the special occasion, you may be asking yourself. Well, dear reader, I thought I'd go ahead and get both updates today so I can take the rest of the week off since it's my birthday today. Now I had originally planned to go to Scotland with a friend but things changed and I went on a whole thing on my profile but have a good day and I'll see y'all later.

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