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Moving out of my town that I spent my whole childhood in , is a whole big thing for me.
But new journey , new me right ?
I am destiny Walton's, and imma be attending to UCLA university. And I am currently an influencer that makes dumb ass videos with my friends Krystal and Lily. We've grown up with each other and we decided to attend to the same college.
But , now we are currently taking our furniture into our new house and we heard someone yell. I turned around and it was a group of boys. One of them walked over. "heyy wassup , I'm Danny and we are your new neighbors" he said with a big smile , I smiled back and put out my hand. "Hii I'm destiny and this is Krystal and Lily" I said as I was pointing at the dumb girls trying to push the couch in . I laughed so hard and so was Danny. "We can help you if you need me and my bros to push in the big furniture inside the house" he suggested as he was wiping sweat. I nod. "Yeah definitely we could use your help" I say with a smile. "Okay we'll be there in a minute but, we are filming for a YouTube video is that fine ?" He asked nervously and I nod and shook his hand again. "We are currently filming also" I whispered and I pointed at the camera who is currently facing me and him. He chuckled and nod and left.
As I was putting boxes into the yard from the big truck then, the boys came over and grabbed some stuff. "Thanks you guys!!" I yelled as they was walking away and one was filming. "Thanks for letting us record." The boy said as he turns off the camera. I got off the truck and stand Infront of him. "Destiny" I say and he put out his hand. "Julian" he shook my hand and smiled. "Well Julian are you gonna help or what ?" I say with a chuckle and he nod with a smile. And grabbed a box.

After the moving thing was situated the boys were about to leave.

"Well before you go ,I want to know the rest of your names" Krystal said as she was tying up her brown brunette hair.

"Frank" the boy said as he was wiping sweat off his head. He was the one with the tattoo on his chest.
"I'm Logan" the boy said as he was holding the camera in his hand.
Julian was putting the last box on the kitchen counter and I went over to say thanks. While Krystal was flirting with Danny , while Lily was talking to Logan about filming.

"hey thanks by the way , we would've took hours just putting our couches and beds inside" I say with a smile. He turned around and smiled back. "Yeah it's whatever , we needed to film something so thank you" he said and I nod with a smile. "Maybe we should make a welcome party for you guys , and take some shots ?" He suggested as he was putting his hands in his pocket.

"HELL YEAH" Frank yelled and was cheering. And all of us laughed. "Yes definitely, we'll be there" I say as I fixed up my hair. "Okay be there around 8" he said as he starts to walk away. And I smiled. This place is finna be interesting. I thought to myself. After the boys left.

My girls and I decided to unbox everything till we got ready.
I was holding up the camera and started filming Krystal and started asking questions as she was getting ready.
"So what are doing right now Krystal" I say and she put down her eyelash curler. "We are going to a party" and what are you excited for I asked and she say "a dick that is finna be in my mouth tonight" she joked and we started laughing. I flipped the camera to me "yeah so Danny come get your girl " I winked and kissed the camera and stop filming.
I started getting ready


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all of us was finally ready and Lily was filming us as we was putting our shoes. "Who's ready to get fucked upp tonighttt ??" She asked and yelled. "Meeee" I yelled back. "I just wanna get fucked honestly" Krystal said and we all laughed. "But I'm hungry though" I complain and lily faced the camera to her. "Same here , we can ask the boys if they have food or take us somewhere" she suggested and we nodded. "We see you when we get back" lily said and stop recording. "It's a 75 percent chance that Krystal is finna get fucked tonight" Lily said as she smiled. "Hell yeah, could never be meeee" I say. As I got up.

"I really hope they made some food" lily complain and I nod. "Krystal are you ready ??" We asked. She was taking pictures in our bathroom. "Yess sorry" she said and we headed out.

We heard the music and we all got excited. We knocked on the door and Logan opened it. "Wassup girls!!!" He said as he moved on the side. "hii Logan !!" I say with a smile and he smiled back "hello to the beautiful Destiny" he said and I walked passed him.
Julian and the rest of the boys are taking shots. "Wow taking shots without me I see" I say as I went right next to Frank. Frank gave me a side hug. "Dude get her shot" he demanded and I smiled.
Julian and Danny went over to pour some liquor in a shot cup that says sweetea. "Nice logo" I say. "Thanks , it's what we are , the sweet tea boys" julian says. "I'm definitely gonna watch your videos" with a chuckle and Julian hand me that cup. I quickly took the shot and felt that burn down my throat. "Holy shit" I was trying to hold myself together while everyone was Laughing. "Strong but good shit" I say and they cheered. We was blasting music and Lily and Frank was dancing together and I was shocked. Logan was passed out within the next hour because he was drinking too much. He got some issues man I thought to myself.
"Bro I'm fucking hungry" Danny said.
"Then cook something dumb ass" Julian said and I was chuckling. "I can go to mc Donald's and get something but, someone has to come with me to know where to go" I say. And Danny smirked. "Julian can go with you" I look at Julian and he was blushing. "I don't want to force him..." I whispered to myself. "No it's fine I'll go !" He say with a smile and grabbed his keys. "Get me a cheeseburger and some sweet tea!!" Danny yelled and I was laughing while Julian was getting annoyed.
We was listening to some jams and I was getting excited for food. "So do you like it here so far ?" He asked as his eyes was on the road.
"Um well it's alright but I'm glad to meet you guys" I say. And he smiled.
"Danny seems happy with Krystal" he say with a smirk. "Krystal loves anyone with a dick"
And we started laughing. "Danny is always interested to whoever is interested in him" he said and I nod. "We about to spend a good amount of money just for us fat asses" and he shook his head. "I can pay for it"
2 mins later:

"Fuck fineee" he chuckled.
"Its a thanks for putting up a party for us" I say with a smile. And he rolls his eyes. "We have parties mostly every day or we go out it's a no big deal"
"Well we are truly grateful to have you guys as neighbors because we thought it would be old people" I say as I shake my head and we pull up to the drive thru.

We got our food and headed back to the house.

We got inside and everyone was being impatient.
Krystal snatched our drinks. "Calm the fuck down gosh" I say with a shock and Julian started laughing. "Fuck you , I was waiting for your asses" Krystal complained. I roll my eyes and followed Julian to the kitchen.
"Everyone looks tired" Julian says and I nod. "The party is over" i took a fry and he was smiling at me.
Logan came out of his room and looks exhausted as hell. "Damn Logan you look like someone fucked you in your ass" Julian joked and I started laughing. "Can I have my food please !!!" He complained and we nodded.

30 mins later:

Krystal and Lily was sleeping on the couch and Danny and Logan had to carry them out. I was recording so was Julian and we was cracking up.
They set them on the couch. And they hugged me goodbye. "Thanks for the food destiny !!" Danny said and I smiled. "Look at them , they love you more than me" Julian said as he was stepping out of the house. "Trust me they don't" I fixed up his jacket.he was watching my fingers go on his jacket and look back up. "Sorry it was bothering me so much" I laughed. And he smiled. "It's nice to have you here , we need to hang out more for sure" I nod. He hugged me and I hugged him back. "Thanks for the party" I said and he nodded and walked back to his house.

Perfect smile ~ Julian Lopez ; Sweetea Where stories live. Discover now