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"The fucking sand is so hot from the sun." Frank said. I roll my eyes. "Don't be a pussy and help us take this down to the sand." Lilly say as she passed him two folded up chairs.
I grabbed some chairs and bags that is full of snacks and followed frank. I was laughing so hard because he kept complaining and he was running.

After everything was settled like the boys setting up the tent , it was party time.

Frank took off his shirt and carried lily and ran inside the water. I smiled and was recording.
I sat down on the chair next to Krystal watching everyone enjoy themselves. And she was rubbing her belly.

Then Julian came by with his truly in his hand.
"Let's go swim baby." He said. And he kissed my forehead. He was putting his other hand on my cheek and caressing it.
I smiled and nod.
"Watch our shit and make sure Danny and lowg burn down the tent." I say and took off my shirt. Krystal nodded.
I took off my shorts and Julian smiled at me with his mustache above his lip.
And he quickly took off his shirt and put down his truly.
He grabs my hand and we ran inside the water and Frank and lily was cheering and laughing.
"why is it cold." I said as I was wrapping my arms around him and he started splashing water at me and I was offended and did the same thing
"Okay you got water in my mouth." He said as he started coughing and that how I knew that I won. I swam towards lily and I was hugging her and she was hugging me back. "hey sexy lady." Lily said and kissed my cheek and I smiled and hugged her even tighter. "I need like a minute to handle the cold." I smiled and frank looked at us weird.
"You guys gay as fuck."
"don't be mad that your girlfriend loves me more." I shot back and he hugs his cousin. "Your girlfriend is being mean to me." He said and Julian pushed him away.
And I swam towards him and put my arms around his neck as his hand was on my waist.
I smiled and kissed his cheek.
I never thought Julian and I would be a thing due to Judith and his confused feelings but I'm happy that me and him are here at this moment enjoying life.
"I love you." He said and I blushed so hard. "I love you too." And he kissed my lips while Frank and lily were gagging. I giggled and kissed him one last time and I stick middle finger at them.

After talking with frank and lily for an hour in the water, we walked back to our tent.
Krystal looked at us , "ew you guys are all wet."
"Did you say you want a hug." Lily said and came over and Krystal was making a disgusted face and hugged her real tight.

"Let's make a campfire." Logan said and I nodded. "I'm down." I was grabbing a truly from the cooler.
And everyone else agreed.The sun was about set and my , Julian , lowg went to find sticks and we lost Logan.
While we was picking up sticks , I was picking up little shells because I love admiring them. We bought big ass sticks and Logan came back with a huge pile of wood.
I swear to god Logan is a different breed.

We got back , and Frank and the boys kept calling Julian. "Dudes some of our supporters are here." Frank said with a smile. It was teenagers who were excited to see Julian. Julian let go and walks over them to take pictures , and had conversations.
The girls and I were sitting down, "if they ever got rich and famous , they would leave us behind." Lily said and hits her vape.
I smiled and same goes Krystal. "Signing up Danny for child support and the military." And I snorted. "Nah dats wild." And ate some chips.

Julian came back and sat next to me and I was putting my head on his shoulder.
"Come on let's make the fire." Logan said. And he put more sticks down.
I grabbed lily and franks torch and light up the wood. Logan kept pressuring me because the fire kept dying out. "Shut up, before I burn your balls off." And everyone was laughing.

Once the fire started , everyone sat down around it. I was cuddling with lily and Krystal. The guys look at us weird. "Oh when we cuddle it's a problem" Danny said and Krystal roll her eyes. "You're a baby." She said and everyone was chuckling.
We was listening to some drake because drake is our idol. Them Krystal went off with Danny to walk on the beach while lily , frank and Logan went to get some more food.
Julian came over and put his arms around my shoulder. "This is nice." He had a buzz ball in his hand. And I smiled. "This is."
He looks down at me and kissed my head. "Are you cold , we could get some blankets in the car." He asked and I nod. "Yes please I've been wearing this bathing suit and I need to change." And I got up and dust sand off my butt area and Julian smiled. "You got some sand on your face." And I wiped it and he was smiling down at me as I was taking sand off. "Im so in love with you , you know that ?" I smiled at him. "Are you saying that because you're trying to make me smile hard or you mean it." I chuckled. "I mean it destiny."

I knew he was actually being serious because the way he said my whole name. Yes I'm happy that he feels like that , I mean excited. But Judith is still in my mind , what if something goes wrong in the future ? You know what I mean?
He was waiting for a response and I kissed his lips and hugged him. "I'm in love with you too." I say and he quickly hugged me back.

His hand went down to my hands and we walked to the car.
"We need to watch the new nun, it's way better than Barbie." I was offended as I was still holding his hand. "Barbie was like my whole childhood , don't come for my girl alright." And he chuckles and kissed my cheek. "You're so cute when you get offended." He said and made me smile.


we got the car, Julian put his buzz ball down and he hold a towel up for me so I could change.
"No peaking." I say as I was changing. "I can't promise you that beautiful." I quickly changed into Julian's sweats and the sweetea hoodie.
"Okay I'm done." I was putting the hood over my head. Julian nods and put the towel down , "my moms birthday is next weekend so we are having a dinner , wanna come by ?" He asked and I just looked at him. " I don't know Julian , what they don't like me." And he put his hands on my shoulders and told me, "they will love you I promise." and I nod and tip toed and kissed his cheek.

We got back and everyone was chilling by the fire and talking. And we just sat down and put my head on Julian's shoulder and admired this moment.

Thank you for reading

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